World Moms Blog Announces Grand Finale for #Moms4MDGs
The 8 month #Moms4MDGs campaign comes to an end this month, when World Moms Blog, along with partners, Girls Globe and Multicultural Kid Blogs will focus on the UN’s 8th goal to help eradicate extreme poverty, creating global partnerships for development (MDG8). And what foundation best to highlight when it comes to MDG8? The GAVI Alliance based in Geneva, Switzerland.
Why GAVI for MDG 8?
The GAVI Alliance is a partnership that includes The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Health Organization, UNICEF and the World Bank that works globally to help save the lives of children through life-saving vaccines.
“By bringing the key stakeholders in global immunisation together around one mission, GAVI combines the technical expertise of the development community with the business know-how of the private sector.” – See more at: http://www.gavialliance.org/about/partners/the-partnership-model/#sthash.ZV6Lfv9l.dpuf
GAVI’s mission is: “Saving children’s lives and protecting people’s health by increasing access to immunisation in poor countries.”
Helena Chan at the GAVI Alliance was one of the first people we met in the world of social good at the 2011 Social Good Summit in NYC. She has been a friendly and knowledgable counterpart throughout the years. World Moms Blog’s advocacy and content has grown substantially since 2011, and it is momentous to feature one of the first organizations we have advocated for.
World Voice Editor, Elizabeth Atalay, is published on the GAVI Alliance blog today for the #Moms4MDGs campaign for MDG8, global partnerships for development. She shares her own mother’s bout with polio, a disease that Elizabeth wishes to see eradicated in her lifetime.
Please Join the Final #Moms4MDGs Twitter Party on Wednesday!
And we cordially invite you to attend the final #Moms4MDGs Twitter Party of the 8 month campaign on Wednesday, March 19th from 1-2pm EDT.
Not in the EDT timezone? Here’s a time calculator to get your local party time!
We’d also like to extend a big Thank YOU to all the organizations, moms and people around the globe who joined in the #Moms4MDGs twitter chats over the last 8 months. Thank you so much for being there. And, especially, to our really fantastic cohosts recruited along the way, Girls Globe and Multicultural Kid Blogs — thank you so much for making #Moms4MDGs even better and here’s to many more social media partnerships in the future!
What’s next after #Moms4MDGs for World Moms Blog?
World Mom and Senior Editor, Purnima Ramakrishnan of India, will head to Brazil next in April and continue World Moms Blog’s coverage of the MDGs through an International Reporting Project Fellowship. Even though the 8 month, 8 MDG campaign has ended, we will still continue to advocate for the eradication of world poverty beyond 2015 into the new 2030 goals. #2030NOW Stay along for the journey!
And now, please do click on over to GAVI’s blog to read World Mom, Elizabeth Atalay’s, amazing post there!
Jennifer Burden, Founder, World Moms Blog
You can now read the last 7 posts of the #Moms4MDGs campaign to catch up!