New York, USA: Breastfeeding, The 2nd Time Around

493018290_0e7c0a04f7We have all heard the slogan “breast is best” but it is not always the easiest.  As mothers, we all know that breastfeeding is most natural, and, in theory should be the simplest, most efficient way to feed our babies.  However, this is not always the case for every mother and baby pair.  As a mom of two boys, Chase who is almost five, and Samuel who was born 5 months ago, I have had both a wonderful experience and a tremendously challenging one nursing my children.

My older son nursed beautifully from the outset.  After a scheduled induction and a fairly easy labor I started to breastfeed him within the hour.  He latched perfectly right away and there was never any breastfeeding trouble.  I was able to feed him this way for his first year of his life and I loved knowing that I was providing him with the most natural source of nutrition that I could and I also loved the bond that we shared while I was nursing. (more…)

Allison Charleston (USA)

Allison is a 35-year-old attorney-turned stay at home mom. This New York City mom lives on the Upper East Side of Manhattan with her 2-year-old son, Chase, and her husband, Andy. She is also expecting baby #2! In her former life, she was an attorney practicing in a mega firm on NYC’s Park Avenue, putting in long hours, working hard and reveling in the fast pace of her life. She loved living in “the city”, and when she could, she took advantage of all it had to offer. But, when Chase was born over 2 years ago, that all changed. These days, the work has changed from writing legal briefs to changing diapers and the hours are longer, but she wouldn’t have it any other way! Allison is enjoying her adventures as a metropolitan mommy, raising Chase in New York City and has gained strength from her longer-than-she-wanted-to-wait journey getting pregnant with her second child.

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