ISRAEL: A Moment of Clarity & Understanding
After attending the Israeli Presidential Conference last week, Susie Newday of New Day, New Lesson woke up today with these gorgeous words flowing from her head. Her internal call to understanding, a mother’s call to inner peace and acceptance. We just had to post them today because they are moving and amazing! Read on…
“There Comes a Moment”
There comes a moment
a moment in your life
when you stop to ponder
the truths in your living and life.
That moment that is bought on
by something big or something small.
By love or by hate
or just a feeling that there is more.
Something happens or
maybe someone touches your heart
in a way that makes you wonder
what is truly important in your life.
You find yourself scanning
the years of your life,
and you say to yourself,
“Does this really matter,
is this adding meaning and purpose to my life?”
And it hurts to acknowledge, even to yourself,
how much time and energy
you have wasted and waste
pursuing people, things and ideals not your own.
And it disgusts you to think
of all the hurt you have caused.
It upsets you to remember
how often you have not forgiven or forgotten.
And there is a soft gentle shift
in your heart, soul and stance.
You feel changed, you want change
but how do you become and live that change?
It is in that moment
that your thinking becomes forever altered
and your perceptions are now filtered
through different colored glasses.
In that moment you learn
to listen to your heart.
You learn there is no shame
if you walk your own different path.
That’s the moment when you realize
that pain is your decision.
That you no longer
have to be or feel like a victim.
It is in that moment
that you know it’s time
to release someone and let them go
until they’re ready to return on their own.
That’s the moment when you know
that it’s really okay to love yourself.
The imperfections are uniquely you
and that is a celebration in itself.
It’s the moment that you realize
holding grudges are poison to your soul,
and that your failures, though painful,
are your greatest teachers and lessons.
It’s in that moment
that you understand
that no one else can really know
or understand your truth.
That’s the moment
that you begin to internalize
that there is no point or gain
in judging your fellow man.
It’s that rare moment
of clarity and inner peace;
a fleeting glimpse of what
your life was meant to be.
There comes a moment,
a turning point of sorts,
one that removes the veil of small and petty
and lets the majestic inside us shine through.
We all have a moment,
and sometimes more than one,
where we realize the reins are in our hands
and the direction we go is up to us.
It’s a moment of wisdom
A moment where we just “get”
that life is great,
and we don’t have to wait for anything else.
The only question left unanswered
to which only you can give the answer is,
“Do you grab this moment and learn to live it,
or do you continue to let your moments slip away?”
“There Comes A Moment” ©2013 Susie @NewDayNewLesson
This is an original post to World Moms Blog by our contributor, Susie Newday in Israel.
Photo credits to the author.