This week we asked our writers…
“How far do you live from where you were born?”
Here are some of our writers’ responses …
Maggie Ellison of South Carolina, USA writes:
“I was born in the southern part of the US, but was raised in the northern part, over 800 miles away. Now, I am back in the south and just 275 miles away from my birth place.”
Karyn Van Der Zwet of New Zealand writes:
“I’m such a nerd, I just checked on Google maps: 13.7 km! Live in Napier, born in Hastings. I spent all of my years between 18 and 34 away from Hawkes Bay, but the lure of two sets of grandparents and long, hot summers was too much for us!”
Kyla P’an of Massachusetts, USA writes:
“I was born outside of Philadelphia, PA raised mostly in New England, lived overseas for a spell and now am living back in New England, 300 miles from my birthplace.”
Amy Hillis of Ohio, USA writes:
“I was born in Chicago and now reside just outside of Cincinnati, OH. It’s 365 miles to the house I grew up in, but who’s counting!”
FireCrystals of India writes:
“Interesting question. I was born and brought up in Kuwait. My home is in Kerala. And now I am in Bangalore. So I guess that makes me 3552 kilometers (2207 miles) away from my birthplace, and 366 kilometers (228 miles) from my home.
P.S. I found those distances from Google :)”
Asta Burrows of Norway writes:
“I was born in Oslo, Norway, and after eight years in London I am now back in the same place. Well, I now live on the other side of town, so to answer the question; I live about 20 km from where I grew up!”
Dee Harlow of Mexico writes:
“I was born in Bangkok, Thailand, but grew up in the northeast of the United States. Now I live in Mexico which is over 8,500 miles from Bangkok.”
Kally Mocho of New Jersey, USA writes:
“I was born in Newark, New Jersey, and currently reside in Kearny, New Jersey, a distance of only three miles!”
A. Roselyn of California, USA writes:
“What a great question! My girls, husband, and I live 2,466 miles (3,969 km) from where I was born. Although we love San Francisco, we do miss seeing family on a regular basis. Thank goodness for Skype.”
Margie Bryant of Arkansas, USA writes:
“I live less than 30 miles from the hospital where I was born. As is seemingly common with most U.S. Southern women, I have visited other States but ended up returning to be near my Momma.”
Shaula Bellour of East Timor writes:
“I was born in California, grew up in Washington State and am now living in Dili, Timor-Leste, nearly 8,000 miles away.”
Courtney Cappallo of Massachusetts, USA writes:
“I was born in West Chester, Pennsylvania (United States) and grew up in a small town called Oxford, PA. My town was (still is) so small that we only had (still only have!) two traffic lights!
I now live in Massachusetts, on Cape Cod, which is in New England. I loved growing up in a small town and absolutely LOVE living at the beach now!”
Veronica Samuels of New Jersey, USA writes:
“I currently live only 25 miles from where I was born and grew up in New Jersey, USA. I spent about 8 years living outside of Washington, D.C. which is 225 miles away from where I was born, but I’m back in my home state of New Jersey now!”
The Alchemist of India writes:
“I was born in mid-west coastal India, around 1371 kms (851 miles) from where I grew up (my home for 25 years of my life). I now live in south east coastal India, about 500 kms (310 miles) from where I grew up. That would be around 1293 kms (803 miles) from where I was born.
Ok, well, forget the numbers please. I feel more at home here in Southern India. I have grown up entirely here and absolutely love my current home even though it is a few hundred miles away from where I grew up. When someone said, “Home is where the heart is,” they must have truly meant it.”
Ambre French of Norway writes:
“I was born in Paris and now live in Oslo… that’s about 1500 km :)”
Kirsten Jessiman of Canada writes:
“I was born in Johannesburg, South Africa. I live in Toronto, Canada. So, pretty damned far!”
Eva Fannon of Washington State, USA writes:
“I am an east coast girl – I was born in New York City. I now live on the left, I mean west, coast in Seattle. I just used bing maps, and I live 2823.4 miles (4542.821 km) from where I was born. The Unisphere from the 1964-1965 World’s Fair in Flushing Meadows-Corona Park (today’s picture) is not too far from the hospital I was born in.”
What about other moms out there…how far are you from your place of birth?
And do you have a question you would like to pose to our WMB writers? If so, email us at to see what they have to say.
Visit us on Sunday to peek at next week’s “Travel Itinerary”.
– World Moms Blog
Photo credit to Husein Kadribegic This photo has a creative commons attribute license.
I was born in Northeastern Pennsylvania, and now live outside of Seattle, WA. That’s about 2700 miles or 4300 kilometers.
I was born and raised in southern Wisconsin and now I live in central New Jersey, which is a distance of about 900 miles.
I never met anyone from Wisconsin until I moved out here to Seattle. In the last 8 years, I’ve met 5!
Eva — I love the picture you chose for this post!! 🙂
Great to see how the writers cover the globe! 🙂
Veronica Samuels 🙂
There were many pics of the Unisphere, but I couldn’t pass this one up with the plane in the background! (Plus, I love B&W photos.)
I grew up in Provence (France) and now live in Massachusetts, so that’s about 5950 km, or 3700 miles, according to Google. Or one day of travel, as I see it.