The Blog
When Child Abuse Is Disguised As Religion
Child Rights In the spring of 2005 I found myself opening the door of a police station and hesitantly making my way to the front desk. I was 22 years old, in Amish garb and I looked more than a little out of place as I glanced around the police station. The one thing...
World Food Day 2022 with CARE
Hello World Moms! We are back this week from our extended summer break and have been up and running behind the scenes in October planning out our next year! Today, we have a special call to action for World Food on! Sunday, October 16, 2022, I...
ALT Summit + The Riveter in NYC
World Moms Network Editor at Large Elizabeth Atalay attended the recent ALT Summit + The Riveter conference in New York City. The Riveter summed up some of the memorable moments in this post. The ALT Summit + The Riveter conference was my first in-person event since...
School Shooting: A Letter To My Sons
I wrote this in the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting in December 2012. At the time, my boys were 6 and 8 years old -similar ages to the children who lost their lives on that terrible day. I know that many parents will be feeling this way now, after the tragedy in...
My Roe v Wade Story
Here we are again, still fighting for abortion rights. Roe v Wade I wasn’t sure I wanted to write about this but I can’t keep silent. Women have been fighting for rights of every kind for as long as we’ve been alive. I, personally, have attended the Women’s March and...
Chatting With World Moms Network Founder
This Sunday, May 8th, is Mother's Day in the United States and I wanted to feature Jennifer Burden - CEO & Founder of World Moms Network. I had no clue what World Moms Network was about until I met Elizabeth Atalay, then Managing Editor of World Moms Network, at...
Domestic Abuse: from Fear to Confidence
When you leave an abusive relationship, you are driven by fear. At some point you know that if you stay, you'll die, one way or another. And if you have kids, that they are at great risk too. You may not be able to say that it's the right choice, because your thoughts...
From Disappointment to Apathy: a COVID outcome
Kids need to learn how to deal with disappointment I’ve heard this said time and time again, especially when my teenagers were younger. Most of the time, it was meant as general advice towards today’s generation of spoiled children but the advice has been directed...
Screen Time And Pandemics: We Need Flexibility
Today is the last day of “ski break” on my side of the world. Our school has an annual week-long recess on Washington’s Birthday, and the students like to call it “ski break”. This ski break was especially long for us: due to a COVID-19 outbreak at my 4-year-old’s day...
Meet A World Mom: Sophia Neghesti-Johnson
Continuing our trip around the world chatting with World Moms, today we are proud to profile Sophia Neghesti-Johnson, who was born in Tanzania. She spent her youth between Italy and Tanzania, finally settling in the United States of America. Like many of our World...
GUEST POST: New Territory [Albania]
Today’s post comes to World Moms Network by Lura Elezi of Albania. Lura is an activist, mother, writer and thinker. The piece below first appeared on Lura’s personal blog, Lara, Lara! in April 2020. It is a reflection of a similar time in a different place when a...
World Mom Mission: Back to (Grad) School
I have wanted to go back to school for a long time. It started even before having my first baby and moving states. But one thing led to another and the time never seemed to be right. In the Spring of 2020—when school went online for my kids, then 9 and 12, because of...
From Changing Diapers to Changing the World
International Women's Day is a great time for women to lift up other women and the author of this post does just that. Our World Mom Contributor in California, USA, Ewa (Polish Mom Photographer), reviews a fantastic book, RELEASED TODAY, about mom advocacy , and...
Real People of Ukraine
This is the second installment in our multi-post series about real people of Ukraine as observed by our contriutor, Loren Braunohler. Loren is a former US diplomat who, until recently, was posted with her family in Kyiv, Ukraine. You can read the first installment...
UKRAINE: Reflections from a former Diplomat
I have no words, and also a thousand words. I am profoundly sad and helplessly angry at the same time. What is happening in Ukraine feels surreal, yet it is horrifyingly, heartbreakingly real. It's taken me days to get words down because nothing that I write could...
Grandmothers are the glue of a family. They always have the warmest hugs and are so happy to see you no matter what. In the 80’s they were built in nannies for most. At least I know mine was. I was there daily even when I became old enough for school. I was for sure a...
World Mom: Simona Rinfreschi of Spain
Mama Simona has been a World Moms Contributor for more than a decade and has written many posts for us over the years. She first started contributing from South Africa but left that world behind in 2021 when she moved to Spain with her husband. You may know her from...
Family in Transit
A recent post on Instagram had me chuckling and sighing at the same time. Someone had shared about the expatriate experience and said it was a cycle of unpacking, attempting to settle in, and packing up again. Then repeat. This resonated powerfully with me because it...
Identity Part 2: More Geographical Perspectives
Dear reader, thank you for coming by again. If you'd like to read the first part to this post, please read Identity: A Geographical Perspective. Sophia in the United States of America My first home away from home was Santa Monica, California. It was beautiful. I would...
Building Resilience on the “Surf-Board” of Life
If there is one skill that most of the people on this planet have been compelled to nurture, since March 2020, it is arguably RESILIENCE amidst change. True – there may be many different shades of color to this skill. While some of us have bid goodbye to loved ones,...
Protecting My Darlings: a writer’s dilemma
Writing and Deleting In Dutch, writers have a mantra, a piece of advice provided by one of our well-known authors about deleting words rather than protecting them: Schrijven Is Schrappen-Godfried Bomans The translation is, “writing is deleting.” It means, instead of...
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