Hello, world moms everywhere!
Wow, it’s been quite a blogcation, hasn’t it? In other parts of the world, it’s been a long and lazy summer, but for us here in the Philippines, it’s been a wet, sometimes troublesome monsoon season. Earlier in July, one of the worst typhoons hit the city of Manila (where I live), Typhoon Rammasun (called “Typhoon Glenda” by Filipinos). Several of my friends were affected; some even lost parts of their home, roofs, belongings. Others had no electricity for days, some as long as a week.
Yes, it was a difficult July for all of us here in my country. But thankfully, somehow we are alright. If you look around Manila now, there are still signs of damage. However, you will also see the smiles of our people, redolent with possibilities. Despite a harrowing monsoon season, our nation chugs on. Not without inconveniences, of course, but we manage.
I don’t know, but it’s a Filipino trait, I think. I guess our people are so used to hardships and difficulties, sometimes we just wait for them to blow over and just press forward. Of course, this is no excuse for our local government units, those responsible for the effective drainage of the annual heavy rainwaters, and the management of the city’s emergency facilities and evacuation centers. There is much to grumble about. Our government has been “awarded” as number one of the ten most corrupt countries in Asia — obviously something I’m not happy about. 30 million of our people live below the poverty line, meaning about 40 percent of our population has no adequate food rations, shelter, or access to public education.
I could go on about how much must has to change in my country. But I won’t. We have the news and social media for that.
I suppose it is because I am pregnant with my second child. As of this post for World Moms Blog, I am 16 and a half weeks along the way. I had a rocky first trimester, and am just settling into the apparent comforts of the second trimester. I am hoping and praying for a peaceful one! I’ll definitely need it so that I can work and continue to contribute to our family income.
Because I’m expecting, I can’t help but sometimes worry at how different my world is now, compared to when we had Baby #1 (who is now four years old, can you believe?). Things are definitely more challenging now: I’m older, as is my body (biological clock concerns); I seem to be busier now with work, compared to my first pregnancy (because I work from home now); financially, things are more of a concern now, with no healthcare provided for freelancers like me (Dear God, please provide). What concerns me the most is my eldest: Will I be able to show him how to be a good brother? How will we afford two kids? How, how, how?
So right now, I’m trying to see things with more positivity. But it doesn’t stop there. I want to see through to the heart of my apparent setbacks and see what I can make of them. You know what I mean? I want to — as Max Lucado says — probe and explore a problem, and eventually use it.
It’s the same with my outlook on my country. I could nitpick and worry over our national problems, or I could probe, explore and use those problems towards solutions. Every little bit of potential counts!
I want it to be the same with my pregnancy. I have resolved to look my problems in the face and challenge them head on. It’ll be harder because of my condition, but my gumption doesn’t want to fail me! I’m hoping that as I work, homeschool, rest, pray, read, keep my home, et al., that I will be able to create possibilities.
I have to. It has to start with me. Don’t you agree?
How about you, moms? How do you deal with apparent setbacks, in your own world? What do you do to press forward?
This is an original post by Martine de Luna for World Moms Blog. Photo credit goes to the author. Please visit Martine’s blog at www.makeitblissful.com. You can also work with her, if you want to create blogs or websites for your business, just connect with her at www.martinedeluna.com
Dear Martine, first off congratulations! 🙂
I nearly died giving birth to my first child (they struggled to get my bleeding under control) then I had postnatal depression, my son had colic and so on. You can understand why I wasn’t that keen to have a second child! 🙁 When my son turned 2 my hubby started pushing me to try for a second child. It took 6 months for me to conceive and every month I was actually relieved, because I honestly felt we couldn’t afford another child! The reason I’m sharing this with you is because, looking back, I really don’t know how we managed, but we did! Somehow our children never went hungry and we always managed to cover all the needs, if not all the wants! This has actually stood our children in good stead as they are both really good at managing their money, and at making decision regarding whether something is REALLY needed or if it just would be nice to have. 🙂
My son is 21 years old now and living in Germany and my daughter (now 18) has been SUCH a blessing! I am eternally grateful for the fact that I have been blessed with both my children, and I’m sure it will work out just as well for you too! 🙂
Simona, thank you so much for commiserating with me! I can’t help but also worry about the same things, but I am sure — like you — we will not just manage, but THRIVE. Thanks so much for your sharing!
Martine!! Congratulations! What a wonderful way to tell the world your good news.
I loved how you compared the optimism of Filipinos to the optimism of the second trimester. And how, at the same time, you shared some cultural insights with all of us.
Good luck as things progress. We’ll all be waitin to hear the developments and possibly meet the newest De Luna at the World Moms conference in 2016.
Kyla, I’m SO psyched and ready for that WMB 2016 conference! It’s imminent, and I think about its possibilities often, just like I ponder on this little one every single moment of the day. I’m going to take things slowly though, and enjoy the pregnancy process. I think two kids is where I will stop! 🙂
Mazel Tov!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats Martine!! Very exciting new wonderfulness awaiting you. I love your optimism in this post and truly try to live the same way. Facing things with optimism and hope breeds happiness!!
Mabuhay, Sarah! I love the word “wonderfulness” — such bliss! Thank you for sharing in my joy.
HUGE congrats and YES .. everything can start with a change in us!
My new mantra in fact !
Yes, and YES! Change is just another word for “I can do this”, right?! 🙂
Congratulations, this is great news! Good luck with the pregnancy!
Thanks, Olga!!
Congratulations on your good news! And thank you for sharing your thoughts with everyone…To be concerned with the social welfare of the Philippines is to be concerned with income inequality and the impacts of poverty. Staying focused and positive is definitely an exercise in faith and a belief that all things challenging can be overcome. We wish you well!
Thanks, Chrissy! I’m hopeful things will improve, it’s just a matter of believing in faith that they will. Thank you for sharing! 🙂
CONGRATULATIONS. If people wait to be able to afford kids, most would probably not have any. Somehow though we manage.
You are right, Susie! Having them makes us become better people, providers, and parents!
We are behind you ALL the way, Mama!! I love hearing what’s going through your mind while you are growing baby #2!
How do I deal with setbacks? I think they have been where I’ve found my greatest motivation in life. I first usually get sad about it, then something clicks inside, the wheels get ticking, and I find a way forward. That’s not to say the process is all positive — but I find a way there!! I know you will, too — this baby will change your life!!
Keep us posted on your progress in the Philippines!!
Jen 🙂
Thank you, Mama Jen! That’s what I feel like you are to me, haha! Thanks for sharing your insights. I think I’m at the “wheels clicking” stage right now, just need to rewire and gas up a bit since things are slow moving. I’m convinced this new baby will change things for the better, just as having my firstborn changed my world.
Excited to Skype/meetup with you again soon! 🙂
I feel you, Martine. I’m also a stay-at-home-working-mom from the Philippines and because of the crappy rules of health cards, I can’t have one. Hope they can provide us, online freelancers, a chance to have the same benefits as the regular employees have. Of course, we would have to start paying taxes too! 🙂
I never worried about anything until I got pregnant. All the bad things happening right now in the Philippines will only worsen in the future. Now, what kind of world are we giving to our little ones? 🙁