Last week a family member answered one of my questions by « you are such a dreamer! ». This was not a compliment. This was a statement saying something like this “you are so naïve” – “you’re 36, wake up”. I heard this before. I’ve heard it since I took the first step into adulthood.
It made me think.
What’s wrong about being a dreamer? What’s right about not being one?
Should I stop dreaming now? Why? Why should I stop being who I am? Why should I follow the crowd?
Big things happened in this world because at some stage people thought these things were possible.
Everything starts with an idea. Everything is set into motion because people have a dream and believe in it. They make it happen. They have faith.
Do narrow-minded people have dreams?
They don’t. They accept things as they are. Even if these things don’t please them. And if they have some, they don’t follow them, surely thinking it’s not worth it.
Back to the conversation we were having. The family member who said that is old enough to be a grand-dad. Maybe he’s just fed up with life. I am sure he had dreams at some stage (all kids have dreams!) but these dreams vanished. And he’s now left with nothing else but regrets and resentment towards life.
I don’t want to become like him. I hold on tight to my dreams. I dream of a better world. I see life as a wonderful opportunity to share love and light, to learn tolerance and respect, to help one another and to build step by step, all together, a peaceful planet.
If people stop dreaming, what our world is going to be like? What will we get if we don’t imagine tomorrow’s world? What will happen is we stop creating and just accept violence, greed, injustice?
I am a Dreamer and I am proud of it. I’d like to dream till the end and pass it on to my son. I am a Dreamer and I invite you to dream with me. The toughest battles and the most wonderful victories have been achieved by people with, what others thought were, “impossible” dreams!
Are you a dreamer or a realist?
This is an original post written fro World Moms Network by MarieV in France.
Great post! I believe that dreamers are creators and make life so much more interesting! I consider myself a Dreamer and believe that dreams make anything possible. So keep dreaming! 🙂
Thank you Tes; Glad to meet another Dreamer. I agree that dreamers are creators. Let’s dream and create!
Let’s embrace life!
Take care.
Everyone of us has that little “girl” or “boy” in them that still believes in dreams. Some ignores it but some still nurtures it. I am like yourself, a dreamer who hopefully will never stop dreaming.
Love your post Marie.
I think we risk losing our dreams as we age but that should NOT be. I recall having a dream and sharing it with a friend who was older than me. Her reaction was to squash it and tell me it was impossible. She even deigned to laugh in my face. So, ya we aren’t friends anymore. She’s still friends with my ex in fact.
Oh Marie, you INSPIRE ME TO DREAM! I think this world sometimes takes a bat to our knees and we stay on the ground and don’t get up. But we MUST. And you are so right- where would this world be if we didn’t have dreamers reaching for the stars relentlessly trying to succeed in making this world a better place? It just takes ONE person…
That has been proved time and time again.
“I hold on tight to my dreams. I dream of a better world. I see life as a wonderful opportunity to share love and light, to learn tolerance and respect, to help one another and to build step by step, all together, a peaceful planet.” <—YES. Let's keep dreaming and reaching for those dreams together, my friend.