Interview with Kristine Brite McCormick Of Cora’s Story

Interview with Kristine Brite McCormick Of Cora’s Story

Meet World Moms Blog Contributor Kristine Brite McCormick, and learn how Cora’s Story is helping to help save lives.

Where in the world do you live? And, are you from there? I was born and raised in Indiana, USA. I am originally from a small rural Indiana town, went to college at Indiana University- Bloomington and settled in Indianapolis, Indiana.

What language(s) do you speak? I speak English as a native speaker. I took German in high school and college, and could probably get by if dropped into the middle of Germany, but would have a hard time. I also took French in high school, but am not anywhere near fluent.

When did you first become a mother?

Kristine And Cora McCormick

Kristine And Cora McCormick

I became a mother on Easter Sunday, 2009 when I saw the positive pregnancy test. That test and little baby growing in my belly ended up being my first and only child, Cora. She was born November 2009, and died five days later of an undetected congenital heart defect.

Are you a stay-at-home mom or do you work? I work at home. I work for an outside company doing things like data entry and customer support. I also write for several blogs and occasionally people even pay me to do that.

Why do you blog/write? I’m one of those people born with a writer’s genes. I remember when I was around 8 or 9 years old staying up with a goal of writing a certain amount of stories before the ball dropped on New Year’s Eve, while most children my age were running around throwing confetti, I was writing away. I write now because it is part of whom I am. My writing on advocacy issues and making the world a better place, all strive from my desire to remember and honor my daughter. I’m deeply interested in writing about child health, especially newborn health around the world.

How would you say that you are different from other mothers? I’m a childless mother, because my child is not here. I feel like a mother, but I have no child here with me. I mother her quite differently. I help pass laws in her name to save other babies. I share her story. I spill tears over missing her, and not tears over her being frustrating.

What do you view as the challenges of raising a child in today’s world? With my experience, I dove into reading about children around the world. For me, the biggest challenge is keeping a child alive and healthy. While here in the United States, many of my fellow mothers don’t have to really worry about that, I can relate to moms in other countries, where getting enough food to keep their child alive is a daily struggle. Of course, I don’t write that to take away from their struggle or pretend to know what it feels like. However, I know what it feels like when your child dies something that might have been prevented.

How did you find World Moms Blog? I’ve known about World Moms Blog since I’ve entered the advocacy world because of all of the amazing work the writers here do in sharing their stories and the stories of moms and children around the globe. I don’t remember the day I found you, but am sure glad I did.

We sure are glad you did too!

This interview of Kristine Brite McCormick of is an original post written for World Moms Blog. 

Kristine Brite McCormick

Kristine Brite McCormick is a fierce advocate for newborn health and safety. She entered this world of fighting for the lives of babies unwillingly when her daughter Cora died of an undetected congenital heart defect. She lives in Indiana, USA, with her husband and three dogs.

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