Since we celebrated World Moms Blog’s 1st Blogiversary this week, Jen Burden, our founder, asked,
“What has been your favorite moment so far on World Moms Blog?”
The Alchemist of India writes:
“I got my first paid writers’ job after my employer read my first post at World Moms Blog. It was India: In the eyeglasses of the beholder.
I have come a long way from there. I got two editing offers after someone checked out my posts at WMB and another site (Awesome Cuisine). These have been some “Awww, is it me?” moments. The power of affirmations, like Jen mentioned in the Blogiversary post.
I have especially liked Dr. Jeanelle’s post on taking time out for oneself as a mom, and about the emotions when the child leaves the nest. That is one great post and mothers have to always be cautious about their individual identity. I always had that in mind and her post reinstated the same.”
Alison Lee of Malaysia writes:
“I have so many favorite moments with World Moms Blog. I think the first one was when Jen replied my email to say, “We’d love to have you!”
The other was when Jen came out as Jen, shedding her Veronica Samuels persona. I loved that she felt comfortable enough to be her true self.”
Tara B. of Washington State, USA writes:
“I am remembering my first post last December, Two Halves Do Not Always Equal A Whole .This was the first time I have ever shared my writing with the whole world, and I was choosing to start by opening up about the challenges I was having with my own self-confidence after having my second child. So many risks, but I put it out there, and I got such supportive feedback. I loved WMB instantly, as a creative outlet and as a supportive mom-based network. I’ve learned so much from everyone and hope I have given back something as well. Cheers ladies!”
Eva Fannon of Washington State, USA writes:
“WMB was my introduction to the world of mommy blogging. It has been:
- a comfort to read other moms experiencing similar feelings and situations (like Angela Y’s post about weaning),
- educational to learn about things like family leave benefits in other countries (like Asta Burrows’ post about family leave in Norway),
- inspirational to see ideas on how to get creative with your children (like Courtney Capallo’s post about making art every day),
- moving to share memories (like the Friday Question post about memories of our fathers), and
- wonderful to be able to share laughs – kids say the funniest things!
The other unexpected perk? It’s helped me make connections with moms that I might never have otherwise. How great is that?!”
What about you…was there a post that moved you, informed you, taught you something new, or made you think differently about a topic? Tell us about it!
And do you have a question you would like to pose to our WMB writers? If so, email us at to see what they have to say.
Don’t forget to come back tomorrow to peek at the check out Jennifer Burden’s Saturday Layover!
– World Moms Blog
This is great! I loved these posts. Alchemist, I’m so happy that World Moms Blog led you to finding work! I’m really enjoying getting to know you and work with you behind the scenes on the blog!
Alison, we’re still happy to have you! lol Thanks about the big reveal. It feels great to be myself in the blogosphere. 🙂
Tara, we know how time consuming writing is, and we are happy that you make World Moms Blog the place to publish your work!
Eva, what a nice review! And, I appreciate your work with the Saturday Sidebar!!
For me, the beginning, the first two days are still so clear in my head — the nervousness, and being on the front page of Word Press on day two. Also, every time we add a mother wanting to write with us from a new country — that is so exciting!
I keep in my mind that our writers can be writing anywhere, and they’ve chosen to write with us, and I am thankful! 🙂 And, you ladies sure do deliver the good stuff to read!
Having a dependable editing team — Kirsten, Kyla, Alchemist, Alison, Eva, Asta and Nicole. They are the skeletal system behind the blog!
And, to pick a post — I think the post that had the biggest emotional impact on me was Fire Crystal’s about fertility in India in the early 1900s. I cried my eyes out while editing that post and it made me think, “Wow. What have we done. Amazing.”
Happy Blogiversary, World Moms!! 🙂