Whether we like it, or not, the holidays are only a few weeks away and that means shopping.
And lots of it.
I adore shopping, however, I am usually browsing the stores with children, sweating profusely, and football holding while I pull my hair out.
So to save you all the same anxiety attacks I have some key tips that will save you during this busy time of year.
1. Before leaving pack a bag with various snacks, drinks, diapers, changes of clothes, books, crayons, the kitchen sink and anything else that might keep your child(ren) for 10 minutes.
2. Take a friend. This is key to your survival. A friend will be able to spell you off in times of exhaustion, during bathroom breaks, if you misplace a child, and when you spot that cute scarf that you have to try on 14 different ways.
3. Leave the stroller in the car. Go to the closest store that offers a cart and strap your children in. This will allow for more room for them, and more room for purchases. Also? The cart acts like a jail play pen when they become unruly.
4. Stop in the toy section and pick up a stuffed animal that makes noise. Annoying? Yes. Half an hour of uninterrupted shopping time? You know it!
5. Use distraction techniques such as dancing, screaming, singing, and twirling. You will need these when your child(ren) spots the toys that require money to work, bubble gum machines, Santa, balloons or fast food restaurants. Be loud and be proud!
6. Do not make eye contact with product pushers. Those overly friendly hand cream lovers who want to massage your hands and sell you the best moisturizer that you have ever bought in your entire life; avoid. They will cut into your shopping time and call your child(ren) adorable, winning you over.
Glance down, furrow your brow, and walk tall.
7. Prepare for mid-day nap melt down with lots of tenderness, a coffee break for you and a little treat for the child(ren). Shop-a-holics are made, not born.
Now get out there and SHOP!!
This is an original post to World Moms Blog by Multitasking Mumma of Canada.  You can find her on her blog, Multitasking Mumma, or on Facebook and Twitter.
Photo credit to Andrea Nilsson. This photo has a creative commons no derivatives no commercial license.Â
Ummm-how about internet shopping from the comfort of your home? 🙂
Better yet-my vote is to get a baby sitter and leave the kids at home-or better yet with their father-no reason he shouldn’t suffer a bit as well. 🙂
OH! I hadn’t thought about internet shopping! Great idea!
I just love to shop – but never find the time any more – and I find it so stressful to go shopping with the wee lad, and it is sometimes impossible! (Depends on what type of shopping, but normally it will include a changing room, and they are never large enough to fit a pram into! And if he isn’t strapped in he will most certainly try to escape).
After reading your advice though I may just try again. Happy shopping 🙂
I can’t do a change room with my daughter either! that requires leaving her at home.
Its always this time of year I am happy we do not celebrate christmas! When I was living in London it was MAYHEM everywhere! And with how large our families are over here we would all go broke at the end of every year! Hope you have have a very happy christmas and new year!
You’re right! The money part during this time of year is hard.
Oh great tips, Leighann!!
Thank you so much Alison xo
I’ve learned the hard way trying to carry my purchases in the stroller! Never again!
Another great list, Leighann! 🙂
Jen 🙂
Thank you Jen!
I agree, I ditched that stroller long ago.
The first thing we do while going to the grocery store is to find a teddy bear for our daughter so she can hug it and play with it while we’re shopping. It works great!
FOR SURE!!! that works like a charm
Hahaha! I can totally relate. I thought it was great that my hubby did the Christmas shopping one year – he’d drop me off at work, then take our 2-year-old to the mall for several hours and come back to show me what he’d found. I’m good for maybe an hour at the mall with kids… max… 🙂 I do like the malls that have little carts for the kids, as my girls love those – it will keep them busy for about an hour. Some malls also have “mom’s rooms” which are great for breaks, especially if you’re a nursing mom (but sometimes those rooms are just at one end of the mall and thus inconvenient…).
What are these “Mom Rooms???” I need a mall with one!
I have a special day that I look forward to every year where Christmas Shopping is concerned. It’s my me day. My husband takes the day off to stay with the kids. I leave the house around 8, go to starbucks and then start the shopping. I take the whole day to be by myself and shop for my family. It’s such a peaceful relaxing day. I look forward to it every year.
I need one of these alone days!
I guess I’m kinda getting one when I go shopping with my friend every thrusday aren’t I? LOL
How funny & true!!
This year, I can’t Christmas shop with kids in tow. I used to be able to distract them with a toy while I put stuff in the cart. No more…they see everything! LOL!! My husband ordered something for both of them online and I get to do the rest on my own. How fun!!!! I love this time of year! I love giving other people gifts and seeing how excited the kids get. I love the lights, the baking and everything about it. 🙂
I love everything about it too!
The crowds, the lights, the food!!!
…and the decorating! LOL!!! I am the female version of Clark Grizwold! 😀
Hahaha love the stuffed toys tip, Leighann 😀 Awesome tips!
Thank you!
Oh I so do the pick up the most annoying toy and let him play with it. I’d rather put up with repetitive music, noise etc than trying to fight with Chunky. Kid has a mean left hook and a scream that would pierce your eardrums and make em bleed.
That is twice now you have told me that chunky has a killer left hook.
I am frightened.
Wow, you’re definitely a pro! Ditto on bringing a friend along, especially when you’re with little children. Lifesavers, for moments such as when you have to go to the bathroom, or realize you forgot one little thing in the middle of the long queue at the cashier.
Thank God for online shopping!!! 🙂 It’s saved my life and sanity more than once!
I never have any money on my credit card.
I have a seriously low limit so it’s not even worth having.
Online shopping is awesome. But my Hubs and I get a sitter every year and make Christmas shopping a date. We take our time, stop at our favorite coffee shops, eat when we feel like it, AFTER we’ve done all our price checking and route planning at home.
Another option here… usually our church does a Parents’ Night Out. They do crafts with the kids, show a Christmas movie with holiday snacks, and it’s FREE to drop your kids off for about 3 or 4 hours. It’s AWESOME!
Wow, impressive shopping skills! It’s online shopping all the way for me — not nearly as fun!