Dear fellow mom,
Thank you for being who you are.
Thank you for your love, devotion and sacrifices, even when there’s no words of appreciation.
Thank you for your strength, gentleness and faith in the little ones entrusted to you by God.
Thank you for hanging on no matter how tough the situation might be, because you love and care enough.
Thank you for what you do for your kids and family – especially the mundane, it does call for dedication.
I acknowledge you for all that you’ve done. Know that what you do matters, even when you don’t feel that way. Take heart, the ‘small’ tasks do add up.
Thank you for being the mom that you are, with all your warts and imperfections. Even during moments when you feel like you’re a lousy, imperfect mom, remember, in the eyes of your little ones, you are the best mom ever.
After all, who you are is not dependent on what you do, what you have or what your credentials are.
So be patient with yourself, forgive yourself for your mistakes, and love yourself more.
Let go of your expectations; focus on being, rather than on doing.
The truth is, you are right now the best mom that you can be. Yes, there’s always room for improvements. But that’s not the point.
The point is you are doing your best, and that’s what matters. So stop being so hard on yourself and start showing yourself a little more compassion.
Remember, motherhood is a journey. Enjoy the process, grow through the challenges, and create beautiful moments that become cherished memories long after you are gone.
And I write this not because I’m a perfect mom. I am as imperfect as you are, often feeling guilty that I’m not good enough or have not done more. But often in one of these moments, my son would come and wrap his arms around me (as if he’s read my mind) and tell me how much he loves me and that I’m the best mom in the whole world.
So dear fellow mom, relax and breathe a little deeper. Smile at your imperfections, knowing that none of us is “there yet”. Take time to celebrate you today, because you do deserve it.
This is an original post for World Moms Blog from our blogger and mother of one, Ruth Wong in Singapore.
The image used in this post is credited to the author.
And thank YOU for writing me a letter 🙂
I’m so happy to see you back on the blog! We missed you!
Another Imperfect Mom 🙂
Thank you so much Ruth for this powerful letter and the words that do talk to every one of us.
It is so good to know we are understood and loved.
This is a beautiful letter. We all need to hear this at times. 🙂
Yes we mums need to be less hard on ourselves and not compare ourselves to other mums. Thank you for your letter and thank you for reminding me to celebrate my imperfections because that’s uniquely who I am.
Beautiful!!! <3