Forest Fires in Indonesia
With the beginning of the rainy season here in Indonesia, the rain is welcome for all of us, especially for those affected by the forest fires spreading in Sumatra and Kalimantan.

Every rain drop brought hope that the fire will be tamed. The difficulties of taming the fire especially in Borneo is also caused by the natural landscape of the forest. Mostly peat land, the fire would still burn under the ground long after the initial fire has been put out.

Writing about this topic has been hard because, as a mother, I am outraged by human greed that allowed this to happen in the first place, and it has been going on for years on end.

Part of me wants to shout – when will this stop? Until we have no more trees or until all our children died from inhaling toxic smokes?

Friends in Singapore and Malaysia are also affected by the fire. The haze reportedly traveled as far as to Thailand.

Lives lost…19 so far according to the last count. 500,000 suffered from respiratory tract infections.

The Haze in Indonesia

Endangered animals, orangutans are on the brink of extinction.

This is an act of crime against humanity!

This fire has been raging since July!

4 months of breathing in toxic air… 4 months of buying oxygen to survive.

Deforestation caused by greedy hands who burn the forest down in hopes of turning them into palm oils have been so rampant in the past few years.

I am angered by the greed. I don’t care who started the fire, but this needs to stop! This needs to change. This can no longer be a yearly occurrence. Not in Indonesia, not in other countries.

The Haze in Indonesia

Our innocent children are being put at risk. Indigenous people are losing their home.

Animals that are already on the endangered species list will soon only remain as photos for our children to see in books one day, if we keep going at this rate of earth destruction.

Can you imagine yourself living through this?

These images above are all from a friend who lives in Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan. She had to evacuate all her children for cleaner air.

The world needs to push for a real plan to end this because once the forest in Indonesia is completely gone, the whole world will feel its effects.

How do you think, we, as mother’s can help?

Photo credit to the author’s friend.


Founder of Single Moms Indonesia, community leader and builder. Deeply passionate about women empowerment.

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