As a wife of one and a mom of four, it seems like I am always learning and discovering! I know I am not alone. It doesn’t matter where we live, let’s just admit it:
The world is a big place, life is a lesson, and children can be the best teachers.
Here are my most recent insights and experiences as a Mexico Mom:
Life Lesson 102: Kittens will fit in a backpack. I only wish I was there to record it. Sawyer attends public school in Mexico. He is only four so the equivalent grade is Kindergarten. Last week we received a report from his teacher that he found two kittens on the playground and tried hiding them in his backpack. His teacher heard them meowing during class, so she investigated and found them. I asked Sawyer what he was doing with the kittens in his backpack. He told me he wanted to bring them home. That’s my boy 🙂 I am a proud mama.
Life Lesson 103: Check your coffee for pancakes. I don’t know what else to say here. I mean seriously, there you are, an innocent mama, drinking your morning cup of joe, and there is a pancake in it. Nasty, right? What did I do? Scoop it out and finish my coffee. I needed that coffee. Don’t hate me. Coffee is coffee, pancake or not.
Life Lesson 104: Real moms play Legos on the potty. If you are on the potty and your four and two-year-old boys bring you Legos, you play with them. Then you tactfully tell your boys that mama is on the potty and they need to leave. “I will be out in a minute”, you say, while shaking your head and realizing that you just played Legos on the potty and this would make a great life lesson for the blog.
Life Lesson 105: Fuerza Rural are Cartel. Well, maybe not all of them. Fuerza Rural in South Mexico are the Rural Force or Country Police in English. I was recently informed that most of the Fuerza Rural were infiltrated by old members of an overthrown cartel a few years ago. Here in the Mexico state of Michoacan, we have at least three cartel in force, right now, fighting for territory. Recently the Mexican government has sent in thousands of military personas to correct the situation, within the state of Michoacan. I have seen them driving around in their fancy trucks. I wish I had a photo for you. Basically for me, this life lesson means that I need to be extra careful when the Fuerza Rural pull my giant vehicle, (a Yukon Denali), with Kentucky license plates, over. Are they Cartel or Mexican government? Or both?
What life lesson did you learn this past week? Please share it with us below. We want to hear your thoughts from around the world!
This is an original post to World Moms Blog by Tina Marie Ernspiker. Tina can be found blogging over at Los Gringos Locos. She is also on Facebook and Twitter.
Photo credit to Pixabay. This photo is released free of copyrights under Creative Common.
I have too many to share. Love these! Just this morning I had to use the bathroom with a screaming two year old on my lap. I literally could not unleash his grip from around my neck. These are the days we will always remember!