Travel Itinerary for the Week of April 30th!
We are all over the map again this week, with a different country for each day!
On Monday, we will start the week in South Carolina with Maggie Ellison, who has had to pick her roots and move more times than she can remember. When her stability was threatened yet again, she reached her breaking point. She takes us on her courageous journey to recovery from a dreadful ordeal.
Also, on Monday, we have a guest post up by founder, Jennifer Burden, over in the UK at BritMums!
Come with us to the Philippines on Tuesday, where Martine de Luna finds herself under pressure to have another baby! Come read as she tells us whether she is planning to resist the pressure or bow to it, and her own plans for her family are.
We are proud of the multicultural group of writers on World Moms Blog. As diverse as we are, there are some things that don’t change, no matter where in the world you happen to be parenting your kids. One of them is the “terrible twos”. Mama B in Saudi Arabia is dealing with this now, while she tries to juggle three other children. Come read about her adventures! (more…)