Asking for help has always been a problem for me. Even when I knew I didn’t really know how to do something, I never wanted people to think I didn’t know something. I know I am not perfect but to let others see it was one of my worst fears.

Before I moved to Nigeria, I tried to be one of those super moms.  My children were 3 and 15 months, and I felt like I could do it all: grocery shopping, house cleaning, taking care of our dogs, cooking, play time, mother, sister, wife, friend.  And, I could do all of those things, but I was exhausted all the time.  At the end of each day, I could barely read one page of a great book because my eyes just would not stay open no matter how much I willed them to do so!

When my husband told me about the possibility of moving to Nigeria, a flood of anxiety and fear swept over me:  What would the medical care be like over there?  What was the time difference?  Would it be safe? Where would my son go to school? Would we die of malaria?  It never occurred to me that there would be such a pleasant surprise in store for me amid all the negativity and fears I had of going there.


Meredith (USA)

Meredith finds it difficult to tell anyone where she is from exactly! She grew up in several states, but mainly Illinois. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education from the University of Illinois at Champaign/Urbana which is also where she met her husband. She taught kindergarten for seven years before she adopted her son from Guatemala and then gave birth to her daughter two years leter. She moved to Lagos, Nigeria with her husband and two children in July 2009 for her husband's work. She and her family moved back to the U.S.this summer(August 2012) and are adjusting to life back in the U.S. You can read more about her life in Lagos and her adjustment to being back on her blog: We Found Happiness.

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