This week we asked our writers,
What book did you last read? Or, what is your favorite book?
Here’s what they had to say!
Karyn Van Der Zwet of New Zealand states:
“The latest book I’ve read is ‘The Book of Fairy Princes’ by Isabel Wyatt, yes it is a children’s book, and I really like it because it is like an old-fashioned fairy tale book, but the boys are the focus not the girls. As a Mum to three boys – this is important in our house.”
Courtney Cappallo of Massachusetts, USA writes:
“The last book I finished was “Marie Antoinette, The Last Queen of France” by Evelyn Lever. I am currently reading “The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home” by Susan Wise Bauer. I am also reading The “G-Free Diet: A Gluten-Free Survival Guide” by Elisabeth Hasselbeck.
I read chapter books to my 5 year-old daughter at night. We’ve read “Charlotte’s Web” by E.B. White, “The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane” by Kate DiCamillo, “James and the Giant Peach: by Roald Dahl, Anne of Green Gables (All Aboard Reading) by L. M. Montgomery and we are currently working our way through the American Girl Doll book series.”
The Alchemist of India says:
The last book I read was “Foundation’s Edge” by Issac Asimov. But my favorite book is “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho. So, that is why I have such a pen name I like the book for its simplicity and truth. Something very intimate and soulful is conveyed through a very clear and simple story. Often the most coveted and very precious treasure lies in our very own backyard.
The protagonist of the novel, Santiago goes all around the world in search of a treasure guided by an Alchemist and finally discovers it very close to home. There is nothing very thrilling about the novel. There is not even a great suspense or mystery, but this book has touched me in a way nothing else has, and its all my all time favorite. I can re-read this many times, and I read it every time I am in the dumps. It is one amazing book!
Veronica Samuels of New Jersey, USA writes:
I just read “Born to Run” by Christopher McDougall about a tribe of “running people” who live in the Copper Canyon of New Mexico. I learned so much about running (I’m not a runner, I but couldn’t put the book down) and why running shoes are bad for…well…running. I loved this book!!!
Margie Bryant of Arkansas, USA says:
“The last book I read was “Prince of Thieves” by Chuck Hogan, it’s the book that the movie “The Town” is based upon. Once I saw the movie and loved it so much, I just had to read the book.
My favorite book is “A Thousand Splendid Suns” by Khaled Hosseini, which made me thankful to be a woman in the United States. Such a painful read but it touched me in a multitude of ways.”
Maggie Ellison of South Carolina, USA writes:
“‘The Pillars of the Earth’ by Ken Follett was the last book I read. Once I got into it, I couldn’t put it down. I read the book within a matter of days and was completely immersed in the times and lives of the characters. It’s almost 1,000 pages, but try not to let that deter you. It is worth the read!”
Tara B. of Washington, USA says:
“I am in the middle of Diane Galbadon’s Outlanders series, which thus far is comprised of 8 books, 1 graphic novel, and a side related series with another 8 books! The stories combine romance and time travel into a period piece starring British characters in the 1700’s as they travel from the Scottish Highlands to colonial America. They are lengthy (1000+ pages each) and offer excellent escapism after a long day.”
Galit Breen of Minnesota, USA states:
“The last book that I read was Ken Follett’s “Fall of Giants.” Biiiig book, but soooo-very-worth it. I had read his other two biggies, so my hopes were high and were not disappointed. It definitely falls into the “surprisingly good” and “makes you smarter” categories. Win-win, right?”
A. Roselyn of California, USA replies:
“‘”The Girl Who Played with Fire’ by Steig Larrson. I love how the characters are always making coffee, drinking coffee, or going to get coffee!”
Kyla P’an of Massachusetts, USA says:
“Ever since having children, I seem to have lost the luxury of sitting down with only one book at a time, instead, I often have multiple books going at once. Most recently they were: Grace-based Parenting by: Tim Kimmel, Water for Elephants by: Sara Gruen and The Negotiation Generation by: Lynn Griffin. I highly recommend all three.”
Eva Fannon of Washington, USA writes:
“Although getting the time to sit and read is a luxury these days, I am currently reading The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot a little bit at a time before bed each night. It is non-fiction, but reads like fiction. It is a fascinating page-turner as you learn about the history of the HeLa cell line and the Lacks family.”
Shaula Bellour of East Timor replies:
“I read the book “Room” by Emma Donoghue for my book club. It took a few months to circulate our two copies, but it was worth the wait. Narrated by 5-year old Jack, it’s a compelling read and I’d definitely recommend it.”
Asta Burrows of Norway writes:
“I just finished “Beautiful As Yesterday” by Fan Wu, a book about a chinese family in the US, I really enjoy reading about different cultures.”
Kally Mocho of New Jersey, USA says:
“Although I’m not much of a fiction reader, I recently joined a book club to help me combat this. The last book we read was Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen. It’s about a circus during the Great Depression. It’s a great, easy read, and it has been made into a movie scheduled to be released this April starring Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattinson.
On another note, the most important book that I have recently read is Half the Sky by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl Wudunn. Words cannot express how powerful this book is. I have purchased it for three different people because I so strongly believe that after you read this book, you’ll want everyone you know to read it too.”
What was the last book that YOU read? What is your favorite book?
We’re off on Saturdays. Meet us back on Sunday for our Travel Itinerary for the week!
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Come to think, of the last book I read was actually The Gruffalo, and I am not ashamed to admit that I enjoyed it more than the wee lad did!
@ Galit – So you recently read a Ken Follet novel, too. I think I am going to check out the one you mentioned. His books are biiiigggggg, but worth it! He adds so much detail, you are in the world he write about. Did you read The Pillars of the Earth? What did you think?
Veronica – it would be fun to have a book club through here. Interesting to see how our views and opinions differ from around the world. Just an idea!!!
@ Galit – So you recently read a Ken Follet novel, too. I think I am going to check out the one you mentioned. His books are biiiigggggg, but worth it! He adds so much detail, you are in the world he write about. Did you read The Pillars of the Earth? What did you think?
Veronica – it would be fun to have a book club through here. Interesting to see how our views and opinions differ from around the world. Just an idea!!!
The last book I read is “In The Key Of Genius” – the true story of a blind kid with autism who became an amazingly talented concert pianist. I also recently finished “The Long Run” by Matt Long – a NYC firefighter who not only survived being run over by a bus but went on to run a marathon and do Ironman.
I am currently reading “Juliet, Naked” by Nick Hornby – hilarious!!!
My favourite book? That’s a tough one – The Time Traveler’s Wife (Audrey Niffinegger) would be near the top of the list. So would Skallagrigg (William Horwood) and “The Hour I First Believed (Wally Lamb) and a number of others!
I’m currently reading “Brother, I’m Dying,” a memoir by the Haitian novelist Edwidge Danticate. Dont’ know that I can identify my absolute favorite, but the “Poisonwood Bible” by Barbara Kingsolver is a stunning novel about a missionary family’s struggle to survive in Congo–not a religous book in the least, but one that juxtaposes the horrors of civil war with a father’s obsession for God–a must read.
blogging from Haiti,
Kathy – Barbara Kingsolver is my favorite author. Have you read her latest, the Lacuna? I think it is her best written book, although the story of Prodigal Summer is my favorite. But if you enjoyed Poisonwood Bible, I think you must read Lacuna.
Best, Tara
I’m currently reading “Brother, I’m Dying,” a memoir by the Haitian novelist Edwidge Danticate. Dont’ know that I can identify my absolute favorite, but the “Poisonwood Bible” by Barbara Kingsolver is a stunning novel about a missionary family’s struggle to survive in Congo–not a religous book in the least, but one that juxtaposes the horrors of civil war with a father’s obsession for God–a must read.
blogging from Haiti,