Last week, I found out that we will be moving again. This makes 3 times in 4 years, so I may just lose my mind!
Our 1st family move with 2 kids was to a house that we fixed up. Plain and simple, it was sheer hell.
I will never forget making our last run of boxes to the new house at 2am because we had to be out of the old house that day and still had work to do there. My husband was carrying a box of food, which broke open on the bottom. Jars of jelly, mustard, ketchup, etc started rolling down the hill. Everything was dirty and all over the front yard.
When this happened, I was carrying plates into the house that I never had time to actually pack, so I was just holding a stack of them. As the jelly is rolling down the hill and as I was carrying the plates, my son, 3 years old at the time, started crying and yelling over and over to me, “carry bigger ones!” He wanted me to carry bigger loads into the house, probably so we could just be done.
I didn’t blame him for how he felt, but the plates were heavy ,and I couldn’t carry anything else. My daughter was sleeping, and all we needed at that point was for them to both be awake, crying and yelling. That was one scene of many just like it, that day. It is funny now, but it wasn’t then.
We started working on the house 2 weeks before we moved in, but didn’t have all the floors done yet, so everything was put in one part of the house, which meant that the boxes were head high, and there was only a narrow path between boxes and furniture to get around. I never thought I would get everything in place because there was no rhyme or reason as to how things were placed.
It looked as if you took a truck of your stuff, opened the roof and dumped it all in. I cried when I saw this because there was nothing else to do.
I had a 1-year-old and a 3-year-old in this house, which we were still working on. We all slept in one room and had to eat in there for a few days because I couldn’t find the kitchen table. Even if I could, there were boxes in the way, and I couldn’t reach it. It was an overwhelming task to unpack, but I did it.
After living almost a year in our house, we found out that my husband lost his job because of funding cuts. Our 2nd family move was 5 hours away, which meant goodbye to the house that we put blood, sweat and tears into.
It was hard, but in the end, it was a material thing, we were together and my husband was fortunate enough to get a job during very difficult economic times. We were grateful, but stressed, to say the least.
This next move was difficult, but not nearly as hard as the one before it. The kids were just a bit older, and we didn’t have to do any work on the house we were moving into. We also rented it, which was fantastic because if something broke, we just had to call someone. This was a completely different scenario then last time.
It has been almost 2 years since we moved here, and in the last few months, we found out that my husband’s job has only enough funding for an additional year, unless more grants come through for the research he is working on now. After breaking the news to me, I froze. I couldn’t speak, move or cry…nothing.
Actually, all I wanted to do was puke. But, I didn’t. Instead, he got back on the job hunt because he figured it would take all year to get a new one, and we focused on the present. For the time being, we knew we had a home and he had a job. So, I let go of the worry, focused on what we did have and kept enjoying our life.
To our surprise, my husband actually got a better job within a month or so of looking. Yes, this means family move #3 for us, but this job brings a better salary and more security.
I am dreading the packing, but I have 1 1/2 months to get it done. The moving stinks, but we are going to get some help this time. I am not looking forward to the whole relocation process and being a stranger in a new town again. But, once we are settled, we will have less stress, in general, and we will be in a place that is pretty similar to where we live now. We will still be at the beach and a tad closer to my family.
I can’t believe I am saying this, but I am excited. We all are.
Lately, I have been researching schools and house hunting through the night. I have developed a bad case of insomnia, although a bit of Benadryl has been helping me sleep the last few nights. There are so many unknowns at this point, but the prospects look good. I am doing my best to take things one day at a time and remember to focus on what is important…my family.
Have you moved house with your children before? If so, how old were your children at the time, and how did they handle the adjustment?
This is an original World Moms Blog post by Maggie Ellison of South Carolina, USA. Maggie can be found crafting with her children at home or playing on the beach with them in the low country of South Carolina, USA.
Photo credit to Carbon NYC. This photo has a creative commons attribution license.
The last time we moved we had one child who was three weeks old and most of our stuff had been in storage. It wasn’t easy, but it was nothing compared to your moving experiences, Maggie! Our next move is meant to happen in the next six months or so. I look at the chaos around me every day and wonder how I’m ever going to make sense of it all! Great post. 🙂
I look around this house and wonder the same thing.
We’ve donated stuff, thrown things away and gave some stuff to friends. That’s helped lighten our load, but I am now going through more stuff….Ahhhhh!! Done and done!! LOL!!!!!
The last time we moved we had one child who was three weeks old and most of our stuff had been in storage. It wasn’t easy, but it was nothing compared to your moving experiences, Maggie! Our next move is meant to happen in the next six months or so. I look at the chaos around me every day and wonder how I’m ever going to make sense of it all! Great post. 🙂
I look around this house and wonder the same thing.
We’ve donated stuff, thrown things away and gave some stuff to friends. That’s helped lighten our load, but I am now going through more stuff….Ahhhhh!! Done and done!! LOL!!!!!
Luckily I haven’t had to move with kids – moving is stressful enough without kids around!
I miss those easy moves when I was 20 and could fit most of my stuff in the back of a pick-up truck! But, we have gotten rid of things and it’s good to be simplifying our lives!
Congratulations to your husband.
I havent moved much at all, with or without kids. I am sure these moments must be stressful for you and your family.
Hey, but look at the brighter side, you will be closer to family, you are excited this time, you have ‘time’ to pack up this time… (*Ya, I know, easier said than done… duh!*)
Definitely easier said than done, but I am holding on to those things, too! 🙂
Thanks for the congrats! I am very happy for him & us too!
You are one of the greats Maggie! always keeping what is most important and best for your family in the front of your mind. Moving is hell but very good things are on the horizon <3
Thanks Jen!! Doing my best to focus on the good things and keep laughing!
You are one of the greats Maggie! always keeping what is most important and best for your family in the front of your mind. Moving is hell but very good things are on the horizon <3
I moved once when my daughter was 8 months old to a temporary place for a year and then to our place now. She was still small, and I didn’t notice much of a difference. We tried to keep some things the same — we kept moving a wall sticker that she liked from her nursery from house to house, so she would recognize her room.
But, the best part? The “moving” part is temporary. Before you know it, you will be all settled again!
Congratulations to your husband on his new job, and I hope for a quick and easy move for you and your family! 🙂
Jen 🙂
Thanks, Jen!!! I keep holding on to that very thought…this is temporary. In the long run, this move will be great for us. So, I am excited, but stressed. Don’t think we’ll have any more jelly jars rolling down the hill, but we’ve already had a few glitches. But, it is those glitches that make the moves so memorable! LOL!!!
Wow, that is tough. We moved once when my son was 15 months and I was pregnant with my daughter and that was so stressful. Where are you moving? Are you staying in South Carolina?
It is definitely stressful! At least this move isn’t as far as the last one. We’ll be in Charleston, SC, so we will still have the beach (super important to us!), but we’ll also have more going on, since Charleston is a bit bigger than it is here,
I haven’t had to move with kids, but we moved around a lot when I was a kid myself. Most of our relocations involved long-haul flights and new countries. Usually it was my Mom who took care of it all, with me and my brother in tow, because my Dad was focused on getting immersed in whatever work had precipitated the move. Looking back, I honestly don’t know how my mom did it!
Congratulations to your husband, and I hope the move goes smoothly!
Thanks! I am hoping for a smooth move, too! I usually end up packing most of the house as well and it is exhausting. Each time, my phusband promises me that he will help, but then he has to start a new job else where, so it doesn’t quite work out. I got some done today, so I feel a little better. My hubby is sick, so he has been coming home from work and sleeping until the next morning.
Looking forward to being settled again, but also trying to keep things as normal as I can for the kids and enjoy living here because we will miss it.
I haven’t had to move with kids, but we moved around a lot when I was a kid myself. Most of our relocations involved long-haul flights and new countries. Usually it was my Mom who took care of it all, with me and my brother in tow, because my Dad was focused on getting immersed in whatever work had precipitated the move. Looking back, I honestly don’t know how my mom did it!
Congratulations to your husband, and I hope the move goes smoothly!
I can relate to your post! We moved last fall with our 5 year old and 8 month old in tow. My husband did not want to hire movers, so we did things piecemeal over a month. The toughest part came on the 1st weekend in our new place when we all got the stomach flu. But all those empty bins everywhere came in handy as emergency puke pails! Gross, I know. But we laugh about it now. Best of luck to you with the next move!
Oh my goodness! Yes, you definitely understand. The stomach bug is horrible enough on its own and then to add that after a move….ooohhhhh! So glad you can laugh about it now. Sometimes, that’s all you can do. 🙂
This is what i always try to avoid, moving home. I have moved out to this place when I had my first pregnancy. So I have no experience moving house with kids around. I know it is hard when you move house with your kids around, but don’t give up.. You can do it 🙂
Thanks Yulia! I am staying positive and doing what I can. 🙂
I don’t know if I’m glad to read this or scared! We’re considering moving and the thought of packing up the house and doing all that with a 3 year old makes me very nervous. Right now we’re trying to prep our house so we can sell it and even that it logistically challenging. I can’t imagine how you did it!
Hoping this upcoming move is as stress-free as possible and brings you to a great place – in location and in life.
Thank you so much!! I really hope for the same things, too!
It is hard, but possible. When it is all said and done, I think a spa day is in order!! Ha! Ha! I can dream!
I moved 4 times in 5 years.
First time from Poland to US.
Second time from the place I’d lived as a bachelorette to my future husband apartment.
Third time (while pregnant) we moved to a bigger place whitin the same city distance. The move wasn’t that bad.
Fourt time – my daughter was week old, and I was after a c-section. We didn’t have anybody to help us. My husband packed almost everything, and I would help him just a tiny bit. After we got to the new place I unpacked everything and put it around the house. Because of that I ended up in ER bleeding like crazy. I was told that it’s not the best time for me to be moving and lifting stuff, but I couldn’t stop. I’m a little bit of order and cleanness freak, so I just couldn’t stop and I almost ended up in ER for the second time. I was exausted and depressed.
Those days were the most difficult day in my entire life, I think.
Sounds like a nightmare. I am so glad you are okay. That had to be scary with all the bleeding. What a stressful time for you.
Moving is tough in itself, but with kids in the mix, it becomes a whole new experience.
Your description of the jelly jars and the dishes made me laugh and cringe for you! Great descriptive writing! Congrats on hubby’s new job, how far will you be moving?
Thanks!! That scene is embedded in my mind forever. At the time, it was hell. Now, it is hysterical!
We are moving about 2 hours away, but still near the beach!
Sometimes I get so back logged on WMB posts that it takes me ages to sift through the gems I missed. Have you read Dee Harlow’s recent post, about moving with the Foreign Service (every 2 years)? It helps put things in perspective. I’m guessing you’re in the midst (or about to embark upon) the move you wrote about here huh?
When I was pregnant with our first child, my husband applied to and got in to business school. When she was 2 mos old we had to pack ourselves up and ove our stuff into storage for two months (between the end of our lease in Washington, DC and the beginning of our grad student housing) we packed our Subaru Forester to the gills with baby gear and stuff and hit the road for the summer, visiting everyone we hadn’t spent time with enough during our DC years. Then he finished grad school when she was 2, we moved into a rented apartment for six months while we were looking for a place to buy and finally moved into our first home two months before the birth of my second child (luckily all of these moves were within 3 miles of each other but regardless, near or far, you still have to pack everything and move fragile items with the same care and concern.
Good luck with your move. I hope all settles into place just right.