This week’s Friday Question comes from World Moms Blog writer Maggie Ellison of South Carolina, USA. She asked:

“What are your religious views and how are they (or how are they not) a part of your life?”  

Here’s how the World Moms answered in order as the responses came in…

Eva Fannon of Washington, USA writes:
“I am Roman Catholic and my husband is an atheist…which makes life interesting. Ever since I’ve had kids, I don’t go to church as regularly as I would like, but I have baptized both of my girls. (And yes, my husband attended both ceremonies and didn’t get struck down by lightning when he entered the church — LOL!)”

Dr. Jeanelle Lanham of Arizona, USA writes: 
“I am a Christian and I take time every morning to pray, meditate and build my relationship with God. I attend church every Sunday and Wednesday with my family. It’s a part of my every day life and would be lost without it!”

Mama B. of Saudi Arabia writes:
“I am a Muslim, and Islam is very much a part of our lives. I adhere to the 5 pillars of Islam (the Shahada, praying 5 times a day, fasting ramathan, giving money to the poor, performing the pilgrimage to Makka). Islam is a way of life and is in everything from the way you wash, to the way you eat, to how you treat people, to how you treat animals, and in fact, the very world you live in. It has, in the last few years, been hijacked by terrorists, and I would like it back please now because what they do has nothing to do with the Islam I know.”

Asta Burrows of Norway writes:
“I am a Christian (Protestant) as most people in Norway – but I can’t say that I am very active. We did get married in a church and the wee lad was christened – mostly because we feel this was natural and a nice tradition. I remember we had to have a chat to the priest/minister/chaplain/ (I don’t know which is the appropriate word in English!) before the Christening, and I was very nervous as I hadn’t been to a Church since our wedding – and before that not since I was Confirmed – but he was very nice and understanding about it!”

Mama Robin J of British Columbia, Canada writes:
“I consider myself more spiritual than religious. I believe in God, but my vision of God isn’t really the Christian God (or any other religion’s, for that matter). When I ask for something or seek an answer to something I find myself looking to both God and the Universe. That side of my spirituality started long before it became popular, so I’m much more comfortable talking and writing about it now.”

Carol @ If By Yes of Canada writes:
“I was raised with a very metaphorical understanding of religion. I personally believe that there is a Great Organizing Principle of the universe and that it is intelligent, but that it does not resemble the “God” of any of the major religions. More like a collective consciousness formed out of electrons or similar.

Our religions are just a way for us to understand and communicate with this principle, much like a telephone is a way to communicate with someone in another part of the country.”

Maman Aya of New York, USA writes:
“My children and I are Jewish, and my husband is Roman Catholic. I believe that we both celebrate the same G-d, just in different ways.

While I am not very religious, I do follow the traditions for the High holidays, as well as take my children to Hebrew School. I also follow some of the dietary restrictions, by my own choice, since I had not grown up following any of them. Conversely, we also have a Christmas tree and celebrate Christmas with my in-laws (that was the only thing my husband requested he bring to the table for the children…more because of the fond memories he has of a pretty festive tree and opening presents, than for any religious reason).”

Polish Mama on the Prairie of Illinois, USA writes:
“I am Polish National Catholic, my husband is went-to-Catholic-School-doesn’t-believe-in-God-or-any-of-it Catholic, which is different than Catholic. Basically, he puts up with going to church to keep me quiet. Our kids are raised Catholic, baptised Polish National Catholic, and going to Catholic school. Wish us luck!

Also, I grew up being exposed to all religions by my parents and plan to do the same with my own children. We have a very open dialogue about different faiths. But I stress that the thing that brings us all together is a longing by humankind to understand the Universe and the afterlife. And that in the end, we should remember to not kill, steal, or otherwise harm others and expect the same common courtesy from others.

I wrote about how I came to decide to be PNCC here: ”

Jennifer Burden of New Jersey, USA writes:
“I was raised Roman Catholic, although my ancestry is Roman Catholic and Maronite Catholic. I currently do not practice any religion by choice, but it is not uncommon for me to have a book about a different religion or belief in the world on my reading list.

My mother once told me of a project that she had to do for school, which was to go to four different places of worship and write a report on it. I would really like to do something like that on a grander scale one day. As a mother, I hope to introduce my children to many religions and beliefs.”

Kyla P’an of Massachusetts, USA writes:
“I was raised Episcopalian, spent my teenage and early-adult years rebuking organized religion, exploring Zen Buddhism and Asian religions and finally came full circle right back to attending church on my own accord.

When we got engaged, my non-religious husband and I attended premarital classes and embraced growing devout together. Now that I’ve finally grown up and am raising kids of my own, every Sunday, intermittent weekdays and random Saturdays, You’ll find me at church. I’ve even been elected a deacon (an ordained member of the congregation) at our current Congregational church (if you’re at all interested in this comical turn of events, you can read about it here:”

What about you…what are your religious views and how are they (or how are they not) a part of your life?  

And do you have a question you would like to pose to our WMB writers?  If so, email us at to see what they have to say.

Come back tomorrow to see if the Saturday column, written by our WMB founder, Jennifer Burden, has been named!   

– World Moms Blog

Photo credit of Shrine to World Relgions to EtterVor.   This photo has a creative commons attribute license.

World Moms Blog

World Moms Blog is an award winning website which writes from over 30 countries on the topics of motherhood, culture, human rights and social good. Over 70 international contributors share their stories from around the globe, bonded by the common thread of motherhood and wanting a better world for their children. World Moms Blog was listed by Forbes Woman as one of the "Best 100 Websites for Women 2012 & 2013" and also called a "must read" by the NY Times Motherlode in 2013. Our Senior Editor in India, Purnima Ramakrishnan, was awarded the BlogHer International Activist Award in 2013.

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