Where in the world do you live? And, are you from there?

I live in Minnesota and no, I’m definitely not from here. I was born in Israel and ended up here through West Virginia, New Jersey, and California. How did I end up in the least temperate place ever? Love. It always comes down to that, doesn’t it?

What language(s) do you speak?

I’m fluent in English and Hebrew and did the requisite four years of Spanish in high school, for which I have almost nothing to show.

When did you first become a mother?

My oldest is seven years old. She was born in 2004 and is starting second grade next year. Sob, sniffle. 

Are you a stay-at-home mom or do you work?

I’ve run the gamut on this one! In the last seven years I’ve worked outside of the home and stayed at home. Right now I feel lucky to be at home with my little ones while pursuing writing. Sometimes I have a hard time balancing working from home and just being at home.

Why do you blog/write?

I started my blog as a platform for the book that I’m writing about noticing life’s candy coated moments. I got hooked on blogging because of the friendships that I’ve made. Wow. Are they ever amazing! Also comments…are addictive.

How would you say that you are different from other mothers?

What an interesting question! Three things come to mind. The first is that I used to be a teacher and my degrees are in Human Development and Education so I come at parenting with all of that “baggage.” The second is that I really try to think before I enter a parenting “camp.” We can pick and choose our parenting views based on our children. We’ll likely change as our kids do. And the third is that I blog about our life. But I suppose that isn’t so unique these days, is it?

What do you view as the challenges of raising a child in today’s world?

Everything moves and changes so very fast today. And the access to technology and information, instant response time and gratification is…frightening, really.

How did you find World Moms Blog?

A middle school friend of mine is a local mom-friend of Jen Burden’s and facebook-connected us. I’m so very glad that it did!

What do you like best about writing for World Moms Blog? 

WMB meets my need for the new, the interesting, and the varied. I learn so much from every post. And I’m not going to lie, WMB posts and authors give me the itch to travel, every single time, and it’s fabulous!

This is an original World Moms Blog post from Galit Breen. On any given day you can find her juggling one husband, three children, one puggle, and one laptop. You can read Galit at These Little Waves, Twitter and Facebook.

Galit Breen (USA)

Once upon a time Galit Breen was a TRAVELER. She met amazing people and ate delicious food. And all was well with the world. And then, she started her real life. She became a STUDENT earning a BS in Human Development and an MA in Education. She became a classroom and reading TEACHER. She met a man on the internet (when it was gasp-worthy and new) and became his WIFE. She became a MINNESOTAN shortly after that, and he still owes her one for that. But the biggest earthquake shake to her soul was becoming a MOM. The interrupted sleep. The crying. The diapers. The lack of sleep. Did she mention the lack of sleep? But there was also the attachment, the touch, the bungee cords to her heart. Sigh. So today her labels are woven together. Tightly. A wife of one! A Mama of three! And a brand new puggle owner! Of one, people. Just one new puppy, thankyouverymuch. To keep her grounded and to add to the lack of lack of sleep factor, she writes. She writes about Motherhood. Parenting. Spirituality. Feminism. Education. Books. Writing. Balance. And Chocolate. Her writing is sometimes sarcastic, sometimes heart-warming and always transparent. Galit is a columnist at TC Jewfolk and has been published in places such as Jewesses With Attitude, Kveller and Scary Mommy. She is honored to connect with you here, at World Mom’s Blog. Galit can be reached by E-mail galitbreen@gmail.com or Twitter @galitbreen.  And don’t forget to check out her personal blog, These Little Waves!

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