CANADA: Interview with Travel Lady With Baby

CANADA: Interview with Travel Lady With Baby

Where in the world do you live? And, are you from there?

I just moved from Vancouver, Canada to a small town outside of Montreal, Canada, which has had its hilarious culture shocks – I am pretty sure I will be moving again. I am actually from all over the world. I grew up as a Diplomatic kid, and never lived anywhere longer than 3 years. The only city I moved in and out of was Ottawa, Canada, our nations capital.

What language(s) do you speak?

I speak English, Spanish and French (sort of), but I am trying to rectify that! I am also so smitten with German that I now listen to it online.

When did you first become a mother?

I like to say that I first became a Mother 3 1/2 years ago to my furry four-legged lady, she brought us good luck, because I became pregnant 2 months after bringing her home. We were told it would be unlikely that I could have a baby; it was fate. I first became a Mother 2 1/2 years ago, to an incredible little man, who has brought nothing but hilarity, entertainment and more love than I ever thought was humanly possible to my life.

Are you a stay-at-home mom or do you work outside the home? (more…)


Travel Lady with Baby has never had two feet in one city for long, growing up as a diplomatic kid, bouncing around from one country to another became the norm. Born in Canada, but never feeling Canadian, rather a Hodge Podge of cultures and traditions, Mandarin was her first language, not English, and Spanish still comes out of her mouth when trying to speak French. Travel Lady with Baby declared to her Father that a career in the U.N was her future, but settled for a career at Foreign Affairs on an intense U.N file. After several years of non-stop travel, and having never put up a picture on the wall, she and her husband threw caution to the wind and moved to Vancouver, B.C. to work on an Olympic file. Vancouver brought, a dog, a baby boy and a life-altering event that changed everything. It was this event that made Travel Lady with Baby and her husband realize that Vancouver had run its course, so, naturally it was time to embark on another adventure. Packing everything into a small storage space and giving up their condo, they got on a plane for two months to travel with their son. For the first time, they breathed, got perspective, became present as parents and realized what they wanted. Landing back in Vancouver solidified a business plan and a move to a small town in Quebec. Now running a Sustainable Consulting and Promotions Company with her husband, re-learning French (yes, you do lose it if you don't use it), waking up to a toddler that has more energy than a soccer team, juggling clients, a household, research and marketing, and squeezing in blogging about travel has been nothing but exhilarating. It is very likely that there is another move and way more travel in the near future, but at least this time, they finally put pictures up on the walls. Check out her personal blog, Travel Lady with Baby.

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