Travel Itinerary for the Week of September 3rd!
On Monday, we start our week with a soothing post from Alison Lee, whose second son was born just four months ago. She loves the physical aspect of parenting – the cuddles and tickles, and she gives us a glimpse into her life with her boys.
On Tuesday we have a post from Polish Mom Photographer about her 365 Self Portrait mission she is on. She shares some real-life moments that we can all relate to that she’s captured with her children. Come check it out!
Later on Tuesday we have a social good post from Third Eye Mom of Minnesota, who was recently at Capitol Hill speaking for millions of underprivileged people. She believes that all of us can make a difference, and here she tells us how.
On Wednesday we will be in Indonesia, where Tatter Scoops has been making great strides towards of a lifestyle of healthy eating and exercise. She wants to ingrain this in her son as well, and talks about how she hopes to encourage him in healthy choices.
On Thursday we head to Kenya to hear from Mama Mzungu. She gives an eye-opening account of some Kenyan cultural norms when it comes to raising children, and she asks the question: does anyone really have the right to judge how other cultures parent?
On Friday, we close off this globe-trotting week in Laos, with Dee Harlow, who has twin toddlers. The toddler years are a trying enough time for any parent, especially when said toddlers have just had to endure a move to the other side of the world. Dee shares some of the challenges of transition.
On Saturday, check out the Saturday Sidebar with Purnima, where the World Moms give their thoughts on an important topic, and chime in with your answers to this week’s question!
— World Moms Blog
Our World Moms Blog logo was designed by the creative Erica Joyner Designs in Virginia, USA.
This World Moms Blog Travel Itinerary is written by Kirsten Doyle @ Running For Autism