Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. The United Nations General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples.
In honor of today, Susie Newday, our writer from Israel, dreams of a different kind of world…
I Dream of a World
If we don’t dream, then our dreams can’t possibly come true.
Martin Luther King, Jr. had a dream that came true. Susan Boyle dreamed a dream and that came true too. And I dream of a world, a fabulous loving tolerant world that I hope I’ll be privileged enough to live and see.
I dream of a world where the dream of true peace is a reality, not just a distant dream.
Our world is anything but black and white. There is no one wrong and one right. There are only degrees of separation. We live in a world that is actually a world of vibrant rainbow colors. Yet one that, sadly, is muddied and clouded by intolerance, feuds, hate and fear.
I dream of a different world.
I dream of a world of tolerance and understanding. I dream of a world where there is no need for weapons. A world where people have enough faith in their words, their ears, and their hearts to forgo violence. I dream of a world where how to communicate and how to listen is taught before teaching the alphabet. I dream of a world where people think deeply before they speak.
I dream of a world governed by mutual respect. A world where people are free to express their own views no matter how different they are. A world where people can live in harmony even if they disagree.
I dream of a world where people are comfortable enough with their own personal truths to let others live theirs.
I dream of a world where people take responsibility for their actions and stand behind their words.
I dream of a world where fear is not a factor nor a motivation and cannot even be found.
I dream of a world where coercion is not necessary, and differences can live side by side.
I dream of a world where no one rejoices in someone else’s pain or loss.
I dream of a world where empathy and kindness are embraced and not viewed with a suspicious gaze.
I dream of a world where people don’t judge each other, but instead a world where people get to know each other. Because when all is said and done, we are all the same yet we are all unique; we have no excuse not to get along. We all hate. We all love. We are all right and we are all wrong.
We all have goodness in us, and although we would like to think otherwise, we all have the capacity for evil as well.
Each person is the potential spark of a big change and one spark is enough to grow into a big flame. It’s up to us to decide if our flame will destroy or renew. Or maybe our flame will light the way and inspire others to do the same.
What I do know is that peace can never come if it does not start in the heart of each one of us.
I dream of a world where peace is possible. What do you dream of?
The Photograph used in this post is credited to Cameraman Phil and holds a Flickr Creative Commons attribution license.
Peace is not just possible. It has already started with benevolent hearts and kind souls like you and the rest of the WMBers.
That was a wonderful article and I am sharing it with my friends. Thank you, Susie 🙂
Thanks so much Purnima. I do believe change starts with one person at a time.
Amen! Thank you Susie!! You have beautifully expressed the kind of world I dream of too! I’m reminded of John Lennon’s song “Imagine” – to me, his song should be the Anthem of Peace …. “You may think I’m a Dreamer, but I’m not the only one. Maybe one day you’ll join us … and the world will be as one!” 🙂
I believe that as more of us MOTHERS start LIVING in a way that models all the concepts WE “dream of” for our world … the more likely we are to see a new generation which will lead us closer to that ideal!
On this International Day of Peace, as on each other day, let us start with love & peace within our own hearts, families and communities … and watch the love & peace spread out from there to encompass the world! <3
Amen to that too.
Happy International Peace Day. Lovely post, Susie. I agree, peace begins with each one of us. I’m game!
Jen 🙂
So beautifully expressed Suzie! You live in the heart of turmoil, where peace means so much more. I pray that the next few months bring swift resolution, and not (what is unfortunately expected) a messy engagement that will leave too many mothers mourning their young. I pray that your sons stay safe, and out of harms way.
L’Shana Tova ‘v Metukah!
Lovely post, Susie, you certainly have a way with words.