NORWAY: Food for Thought

Even before the wee lad was born, I felt bombarded with information about how important it was for him to get the right food. This meant that I had to eat right, when all I felt like was dry biscuits and apple juice. Then, it meant breastfeeding.

There is so much information about how breastfeeding is the best thing for your baby and how it is the only thing you should do, which I don’t doubt. But, when breastfeeding doesn’t work, you start to question yourself: maybe I don’t love my baby enough…?

What other reason can there be for not being able to feed him naturally? And, you feel guilty because you have to use formula instead.  Here in Norway, there is a warning on the packages that say you need to consult a doctor before giving formula to a baby, followed by a reminder that breastfeeding is better for him. (more…)

Astrid Warren (Norway)

Astrid is a Norwegian thirty something, married, working mum to a wee lad who is almost three and a baby born in 2012! She grew up in Norway, but moved to London, England after she met her husband. After living there during her twenties, she has since returned to Norway and settled down in her nation's capital of Oslo to raise her family. She finds herself slowly turning into her own mother as her free time is spent reading, walking, knitting and meeting up with other mums for coffee. (Ok, she still secretly loves going to the pub, too!). However, there isn't much time for any of the above, as she now enjoys spending most of her time crawling around on the floor, while playing with her children! Check out her blog, Quintessentially Burrows. She's also on Twitter @MrsSWarren.

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