Saturday Layover for August 27th, 2011…
I want to use this space this week to tell everyone that we NEED YOUR VOTE! Help World Moms Blog win $5,000 for charity!!
Wouldn’t it be great if we could donate to the very causes that affect mothers and children around the world that we write about?
Help us win! Here’s what you do…click on the link below (it won’t cost you anything and you don’t have to sign up for anything). You just have to click on “Like” in the grey box next to my picture.
Please vote for us!
You see, I have been “mominated” at for this charitable award on behalf of my work at World Moms Blog, so help me win this for the World Moms!
And, thank you to Alison Lee in Malaysia for the nomination. Help us spread the word! (We would love that. 🙂 )
I’m keeping this column short this week for two reasons. One is the impending hurricane coming up the Atlantic ocean. I’ve been preparing for hurricane Irene, here, in New Jersey, USA, by stocking up on necessities and securing everything outside my house with my husband. I hope everyone affected by this storm will be safe!
And two, is that after all of our hard lifting and packing up today, my husband and I went to the Maroon 5/Train concert. (This mama has to rock sometimes!)
So, tune in tomorrow for the Travel Itinerary to see where we’re taking you this week!
And, THANK YOU for voting!! It is very much appreciated!
Our week in review:
On Monday we started off the week with The Third Eye Mom, Nicole Melancon, who shared her internal struggle with seeing her son off to the first grade. Many of us could relate!
We were in tears on Tuesday with Jennifer D’Ambrosio who told us about how she lost her mother to cancer and how she regretted not having children sooner to meet her mom. Just the picture alone will have you feeling Jen’s emotions. What a moving story!
Wednesday, Susie Newday in Israel told us what it was like to carry a baby and know it would be a soldier if it was a boy. (She secretly admitted that at the time, she was hoping for a girl!) But, now she tell us about coming to terms with having a son in the Army and another son who will go in after him. It was interesting to see life through her eyes!
Dr. Jeanelle Lanham has made that trip that she told us all about — you know, the one where she came to New York City for her son to attend his dream acting school? She told us about her fears, and how she is overcoming them to make this happen!
In writer interviews we heard from Tara B. of Washington, USA and new writer, Maman Aya, of New York, USA!
And when is the right time to stop undressing in front of your children? Or, should you stop? World Moms chimed in on this private topic in this week’s Friday Question!
Take care everyone, and don’t forget to vote!
Jennifer Burden
World Moms Blog
Photo credit to Alan Cleaver. This photo has a creative commons attribution license.