Saturday Sidebar: How do you help your kid(s) deal with bullies at school?
This week’s Saturday Sidebar Question comes from World Moms Blog writer Maggie Ellison. She asked our writers,
“If your child is having a problem (name calling, teasing, taking things) with other children at school, how would you handle it? Or how have you managed it if it has already happened? Is there an age when you stop interfering?”
This is how some of our World Moms have dealt with the situation…
Multitasking Mumma of Ontario, Canada writes:
“We don’t have this problem yet, but when I had foster kids I dealt with it by discussing their feelings first and how it was affecting them. Then we went through how they can handle it next time it happens, ie: ignoring, walking away, addressing it. Should it become aggressive or persistent then we would discuss telling an adult or involving parents.” (more…)