This week’s World Moms Blog writer Angela Y asked our writers,
“What did you dream of, or want, as a child that you have happily fulfilled as an adult?”
Check out what some of our World Moms had to say…
Jennifer Burden of New Jersey, USA writes:
“I always, for as long as I can remember, always wanted to be a mom. And here I am! My childhood dreams were to own a horse, live on a farm, be a veterinarian, be an astronaut, none of which I have carried out. There is still plenty of time though! LOL”
Karyn Van Der Zwet of New Zealand writes:
“Eating soft ice-cream from the container with my finger was one thing I was never allowed to do. I do so now, every time I get home from the supermarket with a fresh container. I have also taught the boys to do this and we love the mischief! Luckily they know the difference between mischief sometimes and naughty all the time! LOL”
Polish Mom Photographer of California, USA writes:
“I was never allowed to “think” about or have a fake “tattoo”. So as soon as I had left home for college I got one (a real one). 🙂 ”
Carol @ If By Yes of British Columbia, Canada writes:
“I never wanted to grow up. Grownups never ran, never played, and spent far too much time talking about taxes. These were not things I aspired to. However, one of the things I LOVED about becoming an adult was the ability to go out and eat breakfast at midnight. I don’t know why, but going out late at night and eating pancakes struck me as the epitome of true freedom. Then I had a baby. No more midnight pancakes for me. But when he’s older, I think maybe, occasionally… I’ll wake him up and take him for pancakes. Who knows…
Also, eating Pillsbury cookie dough right out of the tube. AMAZING.”
Jenna Farelyn of North Carolina, USA writes:
“Another food related one: My mom bought the generic “Hydrox” cookies, which were supposed to be “just like” Oreos. As an adult, when I buy Oreos, which is often, I buy the double stuff ones. Because I can.”
Galit Breen of Minnesota, USA writes:
“I used to wish I could read late in to the night sans sneakiness and flashlights – and now, I so do!”
Mamma Simona of South Africa writes:
“I wanted a family of my own which was united in love. I’m grateful every day for my husband and my children. 🙂 I still aspire to be a published author one day.”
Tara B. of Washington State, USA writes:
“Take long, hot showers! I grew up in a household of 7, and we always were running out of hot water. Rinsing out shampoo in ever increasing cold water is no fun. My showers now verge on scalding, and I love it!”
The Alchemist of India writes:
“I, like Galit Breen, wanted to be able to read late into the night, wanted to be able to read whatever I wished, whenever I wished.
And then, I wanted to be a writer when I grew up. I am not yet there, but I know, I will be there soon.”
Ms. V of South Korea writes:
“I wanted to travel the world for as long as I can remember and I have done quite a bit of that. Still more to see and experience!”
MamaMzunga of Kenya writes:
“I was on a sugar free diet as a child for a spell (I’m triplet and my brother was hyperactive, so we ALL had to go without just to be fair – that’s another story). Anyway, I would look longingly at all the candy bars that I wasn’t allowed to eat at the grocery store check-out aisle, and think: when I’m an adult I’m going to binge on all that stuff. Today, I will buy Snickers bars on a whim all the time and enjoy the heck out of them!”
Hamakkomommy of Japan writes:
Maman Aya of New York, USA writes:
“This may sound cliché, but I always wanted to be a mother and I really wanted to breast feed. From an early age, I was told that due to some genetic issues, I would really need to consider, very seriously, having my own children. When I was in college I came to the realization that not only did I want children, and to be a mother, but I wanted to be able to nurse them too. My husband and I went to geneticists and weighed our options and decided to have our own children, and I was able to have both! :-)”
Meredith of Nigeria writes:
“When I was little and would play pretend games with my friends..I always wanted to be 19….I don’t know why..but that was always the age I wanted to be…and I did turn 19 and happened to meet my future husband that year:) I also wanted to travel all over the world and I have been able to do just that and I live in Nigeria…somewhere I never thought I would end up! So, I think i have fulfilled some dreams I had as a child. 🙂 ”
What about you… what did you dream of, or want, as a child that you have happily fulfilled as an adult?
And do you have a question you would like to pose to our WMB writers? If so, email us at to see what they have to say.
Don’t forget to visit us tomorrow to check out the travel itinerary for next week!
– World Moms Blog
Photo credit to mommypeace This photo has a creative commons attribute license.
As a child, I always wondered why I wasn’t the favorite of my maternal grandparents. My two younger sister werent either; It was always about my cousins, a boy a year older and a girl two years younger. Just a few years ago, my middle sister finally asked my grandmother why she always worried about these two. Our grandmother said, “because I don’t have to worry about you an your sisters the way I do about (cousins).”. And while that doesn’t make me feel all warm and fuzzy, I guess in a way it says that I’m doing okay. I guess it’s a pretty good thing that I don’t need my grandmother buying my groceries, coming over to wait for the repair man on a workday so I can get to work (instead of choosing a Saturday like so many others!), adding me to HER car insurance, helping to get a job, etc. I’m happy to say that my husband and I are pretty self-sufficient, live four states away from the majority of our relatives (in NJ), can afford our car, home and food, activities for our children, and a sitter on the occasional date night. We have two happy, healthy boys and have been married for just days shy of 14 years. I guess we’re doing okay. 🙂
On a happier note, my mother would always tell us that Pepperidge Farms Milano cookies were “fancy cookies just for Mom” and we were never allowed to eat them, or the whipped butter. Now, as an adult, I buy whipped butter all the time and eeryone uses it. I also splurge on the “fancy cookies” and share them with my kids. Life’s too short not to enjoy the best you can afford.
Here’s hoping that Moms everywhere find something that makes them happy. 🙂
Jennifer J.
Jennifer – you’re right, life is too short to not eat the fancy cookies 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!