World Moms Blog was initially set up to tell stories about motherhood from around the world. Never, in my wildest dreams, did I realize how it could turn into so much more.
The support and the personalities behind the writers have become more than just stories. We’ve become interactive and supportive. Real friendships are emerging and laying a foundation for the global community building around our site.
Over the past months, we’ve listened when Kirsten in Canada told us how much she missed her dad, who passed away. We worried about Dee Harlow, as she wrote from the “murder capital of the world” in Mexico and explained the life and death risks she faced when just taking her twins outside to play.
We congratulated The Alchemist of India when she got her first paid writing job based on her first post at World Moms Blog! We thought about things like mosquitoes and crocodiles when Shaula Belour reported to us, while raising her children in the warm climate of the developing nation of East Timor.
Alison Charleston in New York City wrote bravely about her struggle with infertility – we are still wishing great things for you, Allison! And, speaking of courage, the Third Eye Mom in Minnesota, USA, jumped hurdles to tell us her innermost thoughts on her case of Post Partum Depression.
Ambre French in Norway wrote about her body image after becoming a mom, and Asta Burrows, also of Norway, recently took us through the pain of her first miscarriage.
Kally in New Jersey, USA first brought up the topic of child bullying. Galit in Minnesota told us how she teaches her children about race, and we commented, commented and commented!
Robin Farr admitted that one year of maternity leave in Canada was just too long for her. And, Fire Crystals in India shared an amazing fertility story in the early 1900s in India, while Jen Warren in England told us how it is to be a Royal Navy wife.
Karyn in New Zealand made us think about turning off the electronics, all based on how she had done for years and the resulting progress in her children’s behaviors. And, Alison in Malaysia explained an existence of doing everything in moderation when it comes to electronics.
Inspiration to Dream in Australia told a family camping story gone wrong; Jill from Illinois just took us on a family hike to the Rocky Mountains; Polish Mama on the Prairie took us on a road trip through the Appalacian Mountains; and, Eva Fannon once took us to a Native American Pow-Wow.
Dr. Lanham in Arizona reminded us to hold on to who we are, and not to lose ourselves entirely in motherhood. Kyla in Massachusetts was so inspired by Jeanelle’s story, that she wrote her own post about it, too.
While, Polish Mom Photogrphapher and The Alchemist of India unveiled their insecurities, pride and innermost feelings on being stay-at-home moms.
Both, Maggie in South Carolina and Kirsten in Canada told stories of raising children with special needs. And, DC Blogmama in Washington, D.C. told us how she is obsessed with her daughter’s sleep schedule.
Mom in Rome had a baby, Inspiration to Dream in Australia had her first grandbaby, Kirsten in Canada tied the knot, and Courtney Cappallo in Massachusetts described her intricate Frieda Kahlo themed birthday party plans.
Carol in Canada talked about how difficult it is to live away from her roots and her family, while raising her son. (Not to mention, she is the reason why Klout thinks World Moms Blog is influential on lobster??!! ha ha)
Mama B. in Saudi Arabia told us her thoughts on spanking as discipline, and Fire Crystals talked about how the current generation in India struggles culturally with pleasing the elders when it comes to discipline.
Tara B. in Washington, USA had us all relating to how difficult it is to get out the door in the morning with kids — a very universal topic, we found!
And, Amy Gillis took us through her own heartbreaking life as an adoptee, and at the same time, telling us about her friend who had a very positive adoption experience by adopting a child from Africa.
Margie of Arkansas, USA told us about the most difficult decision a mom has to make regarding her lost infant. Amy Gillis lost a child with us, and Kirsten rallied people to donate blood in Amy ‘s son’s honor.
In the past months, we’ve all laughed together, cried together, related to one another, learned from each other, supported and debated.
Offline, the World Moms Blog writers are corroborating about how we can use our support system, here, to make a difference in the world, and ideas are brewing!
Writers also have chimed in about everything — from ideas about our upcoming new website to thoughts on our evolving mission statement. Susie from Israel sends me e-mails everytime she has an awesome World Moms Blog thought (and she has some great ones!)! And, Alison in Malaysia has given us some great ideas to bring in new readers!
In addition to all that we are doing, this September I am representing World Moms Blog at the Summit for Social Good at the United Nations in New York City. World Moms Blog is going to the UN!!
I am so proud to be a part of this amazing flow of ideas and creativity, this international support system that loves without judgment. Together, we are all destined to make the difference in the world we hope to make. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for World Moms Blog.
Thank you to all the mothers who write. You do so much more than just write, and I wanted to let the world know how much of a group effort this has become. And, thank you to the writers who also volunteer their time to help with the editing and overall blog operations. There is no way we could accomplish what we’re accomplishing without you!
I also want to thank everyone out there who is reading World Moms Blog! You inspire us to keep doing what we’re doing, and we are humbled by your enthusiasm and your habitual visiting of our site!
I feel a part of something big (we’re writing from 15 countries already!), and I’m growing as a mother and as a human with each post. Let’s keep our momentum flowing. If you like the work we’re doing, here, at World Moms Blog, share your favorite post on your Facebook Page, pass on our link to your friends and family, and retweet your favorite mom writers! We need your help to continue to grow through word of mouth!
Week in Review
Now, onto our week in review. Gosh, we were all over the world this week, weren’t we?
On Monday, we ran a culture piece to learn about India’s Independence Day. Come see how The Alchemist celebrates and the history behind her country’s holiday!
What’s French for “meow”? Come read about Ambre French’s adventures in trilingualism and animal sounds from Tuesday’s post!
Wednesday, we had that “Rocky Mountain High”, when Jill Barth from Illinois, USA took us on her family hiking trip and told us about her appreciation for her national parks system! (And, her pictures are gorgeous!)
How do you talk to your child about nature? Come read this thought-provoking piece by our enthusiastic environmentalist mom, Eco Ziva, in Brazil from Thursday!
Our writer interviews were with Multitasking Mumma of Canada, who hails from a small town and blogs to help with the rapid fire thoughts in her head that cause her anxiety, and Inspiration to Dream of Australia, who talks about once being a young mom and now a grandma! Go check them out!!
Our Friday Question this week was about recent journeys that we helped our children take. There were interesting, varied responses on this one!
Tune in tomorrow to receive the “Travel Itinerary” of where World Moms Blog is writing from this week from Kirsten Doyle, our Scheduling Editor in Canada!
Thanks again for reading!
Jennifer Burden
World Moms Blog
Photo credit to Rabanito. This photo has a creative commons attribution license.
Saturday Layover is rapidly becoming one of my favourite posts. Love what you have created with WMB Jen and the direction it’s taking. I feel honoured to be a part of something so wonderful
Thank you, Fiona! I’m glad you are a part of World Moms Blog from Australia! 🙂 And, I forgot something important — that you had a grandbaby with us…going to update now!!
Jen 🙂
Congratulations! I am thrilled for you!!
Thanks, so much, Jen! Thanks for being a fan of World Moms Blog from the beginning, too! 🙂
Jen 🙂
Thanks for liking hearing my ideas. LOL, I can be overwhelming at times.
Ha! I totally appreciate your enthusiasm, Susie! 🙂 Thank you! 🙂
…we’re only here because of you Jen. World Moms is a great idea. 🙂
Karyn! Thank you soooo much. I’m so glad that you are a part of us. You are one of our rocks!! 🙂
Jen 🙂