The Anticipation of Change is worse than change itself!
Today, I am on a plane headed to New York with my two baby boys. Ok, young men. 🙂 It’s a journey we have been dreaming about, as well as confessing and praying about for years, and it’s finally here.
This is a big change for us. It has been The Three Amigos for over 16 years, and now that changes. This is going to be different and exciting all at the same time.
My oldest is moving over 3000 miles from home to New York City Dance Academy, and my youngest is starting a new modeling career, and I have things in the works, too. But even with the excitement, it’s still CHANGE, and we know change can be a little scary.
What I think is funny, is that we dream, pray and ask for things, and then when they come, we get tricked by these feelings of fear. It’s only because we fear the unknown (and that is understandable), but we can’t let fear stop us from going after our dreams.
Seven years ago, almost to date, my boys and I took our FIRST trip that changed our lives forever: we picked up our whole lives and left Atlanta Ga. in search of a better life. I knew we deserved better than what we were living, and it was time to go. Regardless of the uncertainty, I had to make a change. I knew this change would be good for us, so I pushed through it.
Of course, Fear tried to creep up and instead of letting it win, I packed up my Suburban truck, attached a small U-Haul packed with everything that would fit and my two boys, and I hit the road. I had so many questions about what our life would be like, but I couldn’t let the unknown stop me.
Once we started driving, the fear went away. I started getting confident that this was one of the best moves I’ve made.
I decided that every time fear tried to stop me I was going to think of all the other things I had ALREADY accomplished, and this wasn’t any different. I’m a mom, I’m SuperWoMan, and I can do anything I set my mind to.
And as long as I stayed positive, the boys did the same. Once we got to Arizona and got settled, we realized the fear we had about the move was way worse than the move itself.
Now it’s 7 years later, and here we are taking our SECOND trip as the Three Amigos on our way to another life changing journey. You’d think the SAME uneasy feelings wouldn’t try to creep up, since I’d been HERE before, but they did!
How dare them, I shouldn’t be feeling uneasy about the unknown. I’ve done this before: I’ve 1) gone into the Army, 2) moved to Arizona as a single parent and 3) started my own business, all while having MS & Fibromyalgia. So, THIS time I shouldn’t have any fears pop up Right? Well…
It did feel the same and the fear of change was back, but THIS time I remembered that the anticipation of change is worse than the change itself. So, I girded up my loins, decided to overcome the fear and took a leap of faith!
So, my fellow Moms, let’s remember our strengths. Let’s remember all that we have already overcome. We are bigger than any fear that tries to come our way. We are Super WoMen!
Is fear holding YOU back from doing something? Tell us about it!
This has been an original post to World Moms Blog by Dr. Jeanelle Marshawn Lanham, aka The SWAG Doc, of Arizona, USA. You can also find her on her blog, The SWAG Doc.
Photo credit to Freakland. This photo has a creative commons attribution license.
I had this fear when I left my job. But I still did it. But now, after almost a year, I seem to be doing fine and holding up! I agree with ya, to let faith take over.
That’s so cool! That’s a great example of stepping out On Faith not fear!
This is so true! Fear held me back from having my own children, and when I finally did take that leap of faith it paid off! I was blessed with my beautiful children who make me so proud every day.
Congrats on taking that leap and good luck and welcome to NY! It’s a great place to live, full of energy and things to do. If you need anything or have any questions about this great city – please do not hesitate to ask!
Wow!! That’s amazing! I bet your life is blessed!
NY is a world of it’s own and I’m sure I’ll need as much advice as possible. Let’s do lunch while I’m here if possible!?
That would be excellent!! Once Irene has passed over and everything is back to “normal” 🙂
Stay safe!
Yes. Once it has died down lunch it is.
I like new and exciting things, so sometimes I think I jump at change when I should stop and think about it. 🙂 We’ve moved many times and I’ve looked forward to each move, for a variety of reasons each time… then later questioned what I did. So good luck with your move — may it be exciting and wonderful for all of you!
Thank you! And as far as you moving a lot sometimes that’s the only way we know where God wants us to be. Better to being doing what we think He wants us to do than to be doing nothing at all.
So glad you are doing this — so inspiring!! Fear holds me back from picking up the family to go live in a foreign country. I know it’s something that we’d so love to do, but we always think of too many reasons not to. I’m afraid to leave all my older family behind.
I look forward to hearing more about your trip!
Jen 🙂
Omg I’ve wanted to live in Italy forever! It’s funny I always think of WHY we SHOULD! Lol.
I am certainly one of those people who worries more in anticipation of an event than during it, Jeanelle, so I really related to this post. When I moved from little ole NZ to London (where I lived for four years) I broke out in the most amazing stress-rash when I first called the airline, and sobbed all the way through customs and on to the plane on the day I left – then I was fine. Imagination+emotions=trouble!
But you did it and that’s so cool. Now that it’s been a week I’m feeling like I can handle the NY life lol. I am so glad that I didn’t give in to the fear!
Hooray for Super Women! And hooray to you for going after your dreams and creating amazing opportunities for yourself and your boys. VERY inspiring stuff. As for me? I am a SAHM and not sure what will happen when it is time to enter the paid workforce again. I know what my dream jobs would be…but I have this “yeah right…like that will happen…be realistic” back talk from within that I know will only hold me back. So I am working on it. Thanks for giving me a boost today!
You are welcome Tara! I know you can live out your dream job because God would not have put it in you if He wasn’t sure you could do it! I believe in you and look forward to seeing you take that first step! Believe it or not You’re a SuperWoman too!
I can just imagine how nerve-wracking that would be, especially when you’re sending your children on to something so new! But what a great opportunity, and how lucky for them to have a mother who’s willing to take risks in order to live life to the fullest.
Thanks Robin! I just want them to have opportunities that I didn’t.
Great and inspiring story. You’re a strong WoMan 🙂 You’ll do just fine!
The very scary thing to do for me was to leave Poland and move to US in my 20ties. I had never been here before, I didn’t know anybody. I barely could speak English, and have no idea about the culture beside MTV 😉
I was scared but at the same time very excited and happy that I have to guts to make that move. I’m hoping for many more moves like that one. It makes me feel very alive.
Thank you! I’m glad the story touched so many as well as allowed mothers to share their story about overcoming fear!
I want moms to know that even if it’s a small step of faith it’s a big accomplishment. Remember change isn’t as scary as it seems!