This week’s Saturday Sidebar Question comes from World Moms Blog writer TwinMom112. She asked our writers,
“Do you have any fears or phobias that you tried to overcome that are now present in your child/children?”
Check out what some of our World Moms had to say…
Maggie Ellison of South Carolina, USA writes:
“I have a phobia of flying, but don’t want to pass that along to my kids. I flew with my son when he was under 2 and had panic attacks even with meds. He was young, loved the flights and had no idea what I was going through. I hope I never pass along my fear. I try very hard to never mention it in front of them. They want to take a flight home to see my family. I have no idea how to get through that without them knowing. They are older and more aware. I would love to get rid of this fear and I hope to never pass it on to them. So, to your answer your question, I have not passed along a fear of my own and hope not to.”
Mamma Simona of South Africa writes:
“I have a phobia of fire – to the extent that I’m not able to use a lighter or matches! Strangely enough I love sitting near a fireplace and watching a “contained” fire from a “safe” distance … just don’t ask me to add a log! My children are now 19 and 16 years old respectively and I’m happy to report that they have no phobias at all. In fact they lit candles for me when they were much younger! Phobias are irrational and can’t be overcome by will-power. I don’t believe that children develop phobias because their parents have them, but they can become fearful people if they are overprotected. I think it’s our job as parents to make our children feel confident that they are able to deal with life on their own.”
Salma of Ontario, Canada writes:
“I have a fear of fear itself. I try to hide it, but I think there are some factors that are played out in real life experiences that make my kids realize that I am bit of a mess sometimes. I don’t want to pass this on at all.”
Eva Fannon of Washington State, USA writes:
“I am freaked out by spiders. I know that many of them are benign, and some are actually good to have around, but I just don’t like them. And we find some pretty big ones in our apartment! If I see one, I smush it right away. My husband on the other hand, looks for a cup or container to catch the spider and puts it outside.
As for passing the phobia on, I don’t think I have. My 2yo is not scared of spiders – she actually gets closer to look at them and try to grab them. My 5yo knows how they make me squeamish, so when she sees one, she will tell her father right away (without telling me), or look for a cup or container to catch it herself.”
What about you…do you have a phobia? Has your child developed the same phobia?
And do you have a question you would like to pose to our WMB writers? If so, email us at to see what they have to say.
Don’t forget to check back tomorrow to take a peek at the travel itinerary!
– World Moms Blog
Photo credit to Henry Oon This photo has a creative commons attribute license.
I’m a bit of a germaphobe (I actually blogged about it yesterday!), and I wash my hands pretty often. Not to the level I’d consider to be OCD, but I just like my hands to be clean! I’ve taught my kids to always wash after school, before they eat, and after touching anything that might be germy or dirty. Unfortunately, my daughter took the hand washing routine a bit more seriously that I would have liked. Now I’m finding myself talking her OUT of washing when there isn’t a good reason. Gah. This role model thing can by touchy! 😉
I’m right there with you on the hand-washing Wombat Central! Thanks for stopping by 🙂
I’m an anxious driver. Fine on local roads, which is mostly where I drive, but I get panicky on highways and unfamiliar roads. My dad has a bridge driving phobia, and my aunt (his sister) wouldn’t drive on highways at all (finally overcame that phobia in her late 60’s!). So I suspect that my driving anxieties come from my family of driving anxiety, and I’d like to stop that with this generation.
Interesting, I didn’t realize this kind of phobia existed. Thanks so much for sharing Emily!
I don’t actually have any phobias (that I can think of), but my mother has put the fear of being taken into my son. When we walk down the street he grips my hand so hard, and if I try to shake free to adjust my purse strap he panicks because he doesn’t want anyone to take him. It’s gotten to the point where he makes me hold his scooter as I walk and he scooters down the sidewalk. Hopefully it is something we can get over soon.
Oh no, poor little guy Maman Aya 🙁
Just like your pictures,,,yes. SPIDER. ewwwww. Once i saw them in my room i would find them and kill it, but if i fail to find it i would change room because who knows they will appears in your bed in the middle of the night!
Yes….who knows where it will appear in the middle of the night!!! Why risk it?!