It was long overdue. Taking a break from the hustle and bustle of life and heading out for a luxurious spa weekend has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember. In fact, I couldn’t imagine anything more relaxing than taking the time to surround myself with soothing aromas, intoxicating music, and tranquil lighting all in one place.
Having been at home for as long as I have been, I decided to forego the full spa treatment, for some practical work. Microdermabrasion was high on my list, along with a manicure and pedicure. To some this is not real spa treatment per se; but to me it was bliss.
When I became pregnant in 2008, I was sure that I would get a bit of rest. That was easier said than done. Plagued with hydramoniosis (too much fluid in the amniotic sac), fainting spells, and migraines, I had an awful pregnancy. By the end of my pregnancy, I was just happy to have made it out it in one piece – but it was not meant to be. My infant son died 15 minutes after birth.
Eighteen months later, I became pregnant again. I planned to take a much needed break and unwind somewhere – Niagara Falls, Cuba, a nice spa resort, I wasn’t picky. Unfortunately, the host of health problems that I experienced in my previous pregnancy did not let up, and I was considered high-risk. My mommymoon was spent on best rest in the hospital. That’s as close as I got to R&R.
The last time I was at the spa was in April 2008. It was also in Toronto, Ontario. There are myriad reasons why I just gave up on my fantasy, of taking an afternoon for myself. Since relocating to Calgary last July, the last thing on my mind was spas, salons or beauty. In fact, getting out of the house without baby in tow was just a sweet fantasy. Sure, there are the weekly trips to the library, playgroups, the shopping centre, and some volunteering, but being a stay-at-home mom meant that I was doing just that – staying at home. In essence, my needs were placed not only on the back-burner; they magically disappeared from my grasps. Unlike when I was working ten hours a day, and keeping a busy household going, there was no way I could justify my “need” to get out of the house, and do something for myself. My husband just wouldn’t buy it.
Then a miracle happened… Estheticia Spa happened. It was on my way back from play-time at the local library that I discovered the spa was in my neighborhood. I was thrilled. Tired feet soaking in warm water, soft music whispering in my ears, a magazine in hand; I thought I was in heaven. My manicure was amazing. For forty-five minutes, I didn’t think about dirty dishes in the sink, or yucky diaper creams and toilet bowls that needed to be scrubbed.
I used to joke that I would pay for sleep if I could, and my words almost came true. By the time I finally went in for my microdermabrasion treatment, I was so relaxed I was afraid I would fall into a deep sleep, and never wake up. It has been long since I have slept a full night’s sleep – more than three years to be exact. The Spa had every service possible, and my only distraction was thinking about what I would do the next time around. It was an afternoon of me-time. No baby crying, no kids screaming or banging things, and no, I repeat, no dirty diapers. What more could I ask for? Sure it was only 4 hours, but it was worth every penny.
Have you ever taken a mommymoon? What did you do? If you haven’t, what’s your dream mommymoon?
This is an original post to World Moms Blog by Salma of Canada. You can find Salma blogging at The Imperfect Stepford Chronicles and Chasing My Rainbow Baby.
Photo credit to Maxine Simpson. This photo has a creative commons attribution license.
This sounds like heaven to me Salma! A friend and I have planned that once the baby is weaned we will go away (just for a weekend) to a spa and endulge. I can’t wait! As for mini-mommy-moons (I love that name for it btw) another friend and I used to treat each other to massages every year for our birthdays, and especially since our oldests were born (they were born 5 weeks apart, so our nursing schedules and leaving hubbies to co-babysit was easy before we both had our second children). We have fallen out of practice since she had her second child (who is exactly 1 year older than my daughter), but should probably get back into it now that they are all a little older. Thanks for the reminder! 🙂
It is so important to remember to take care of ourselves so that we can be better equipped to take care of others. When my twins were almost 1 1/2 years old, my friend asked me to go to Las Vegas with a group of other women to celebrate her birthday and I reluctantly agreed. Reluctant because I’m not a ‘Vegas person’ and I wasn’t impressed the one day I did spend there while transiting in between camping in national parks so amazing that nothing man-made could thrill me at that time. And of course I was reluctant to leave my babes and felt guilty for burdening my husband. But I went anyway and had the.most.amazing.time ever! It was an unexpected mommymoon but it turned out to be a much needed and much appreciated one.
I had a full night’s sleep last night…it *is* amazing what a difference rest makes to our outlook on life. The spa treatment sounds divine.
Good for you! Sounds like a wonderful mini-break. My biggest mommymoon came when my 1st son was 2+ years old and I arranged a sisters get away weekend for me and my 3 sisters in Chicago. We had never been there, and with some of us on the East Coast and some of us on the West Coast (USA), it was central. So we had a little adventure in a new town for 3 days. No kids…no husbands…just us. It was amazing, and we wanted to make this type of thing an annual trip, but it hasn’t happened since. Your post is inspiring me to make it happen again. Thanks!