How can we find time in our day for world peace?
You’re a mom, your time is important. We get that. And because peace is an important issue, too, we’ve made it easy to join in — only a half hour. Join in for what you can, when you can. It is a comfortable, welcoming space. And Heartfulness states that your own inner peace can lead to a greater, world peace. It’s worth a try!
How do I join in the meditation?
It’s so easy!
Time: Sep 21, 2016 9:15 AM (GMT-4:00) Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)
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If this is your first time using zoom for video conferencing (it’s free to you), then please allow a few minutes to download it. When you click on the link, you will automatically asked to download it.
But, I have never meditated before!
So, what? Just come and observe! Make it one of your #bucketlist items, and come join us!
What can I expect?
The meditation guide (one of our #worldmoms) will take you through a guided relaxation to start, meaning we will be closing our eyes and be asked to focus on parts of the body. She will take us through a relaxed meditation focusing on our body, and then she will ask us to concentrate on our hearts, and we sit with our eyes closed i silence, until she ends the meditation. (She will let us know!)
What if I can’t make it this time, but still want to meditate?
You can do Heartfulness meditation at home, whenever you’d like. (But, it’s more fun in a group! Just saying…!) Here is a video from the Heartfulness institute explaining how to do meditation on your own.
What religion is Heartfulness?
Heartfulness isn’t a religion. It encourages everyone to join, regardless of beliefs or non beliefs. This makes it a good match for our very diverse contributing staff and global readers.
Hope to see you there! If you can’t make our meditation meet up, but you still plan on meditating, drop us a line on social media, and we will say hi! Be sure to use our hashtag, #worldmoms!
Hope to see you on Wednesday! Every little bit helps when it comes to our wish for world peace. 🙂
Jennifer Burden, founder and CEO of World Moms Network