Friday Question: How do you maintain balance between being a mother and an adult?
This week’s Friday Question comes from World Moms Blog writer, Kyla Pa’an from Massachusetts, USA. She asks:
“What do you do to maintain balance between being a mom and being an adult?”
This is what the World Mom Blog writers had to say.
Kirsten Doyle of Toronto writes:
Oh my, I just had to pick myself up off the floor, I was laughing so hard at this one! It is a hard thing to balance. Even when I am not physically with my kids, I am thinking about them. What they need, where they are, whether I need to buy anything or arrange anything for them…
But I suppose my sanity comes from my running. Not only does it keep me in shape and give me some much-needed time to myself, it allows me to actually see some thoughts through to completion! That just doesn’t happen when I have two little monkeys hanging onto me! (more…)