CALIFORNIA, USA:  Interview with Angela Y.

CALIFORNIA, USA: Interview with Angela Y.

Where in the world do you live? And, are you from there?

I live in San Francisco, CA. Specifically, I live in The Presidio, a old military post that has been transformed into a state park. We live in newly renovated, former military housing. Living in the park gives us access to outdoor space, trees, wildlife (coyotes, raccoons, hawks, and more), all in the heart of a major city; it’s like living in the suburbs without the commute.

No, I am not from here. I am from Northeastern Pennsylvania. I went to high school with Tara B. All of my family still lives there or close by.

What language(s) do you speak?

I speak English only. I couldn’t even pretend to speak anything else.

When did you first become a mother?

Big girl was born in August 2007. Little girl came along in October 2009.

Are you a stay-at-home mom or do you work?

Something in-between. I consider myself a stay-at-home mom. Currently, I am working 3 days a week as a contractor doing my pre-children job at a major retailer’s corporate office. I am helping out during a friends maternity leave. I have a brand (more…)

Angela Y (USA)

Angela Y. is in her mid-thirties and attempting to raise her two daughters (big girl, R, 3 years; little girl, M, 1 year) with her husband in San Francisco, CA. After spending ten years climbing the corporate ladder, she traded it all in to be a stay-at-home mom! Her perspective of raising a child in the city is definitely different from those who have been city dwellers all their lives, as she grew up in rural Northeastern Pennsylvania (NEPA) surrounded by her extended family. Angela Y. and her husband are on their own on the west coast of the United States — the only family help they receive is when someone comes for a visit. But, the lifestyle in San Francisco is like no other for them, so there, they stay! This exercise conscious mom is easily recognized, especially when she is riding around her husband-built bike with two seats on the back. And, when she’s not hanging out with the girls, you can find Angela Y. in the kitchen. She loves to cook for her family, especially dessert, and then eats some herself when no one is looking! Sneaky, mom!

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