Travel Itinerary for the Week of October 16th!
Ready for another adventure this week, mothers of the world? Let’s get traveling!!!
We’re kicking off the week in New York City! Hey, why not? Maman Aya is back and telling us about her family’s genetic issues, her decision that her family was complete after having 2 kids and her internal struggle on weaning her youngest. Moms, she needs your advice, so tune in!
On Tuesday, we’re talking about breasts! Tara B. from Washington, USA tells the story of her first biopsy and reminds us all to do those self breast exams. A timely post during Breast Cancer Awareness Month in the states. Do those self-exams, ladies!
On Wednesday, get out your passports, as we travel over to the Middle East to visit Susie Newday of Israel! Susie’s messages of hope, inclusiveness and positivity, all while working as a nurse in a cancer ward are amazing. We look forward to seeing what she has in store for us this week!
Hop back on that plane and take a flight to Norway on Thursday to catch up with Ambre French, our French mom living in Scandanavia! Ambre is a working mom, who hops a flight back to Paris on business every so often for business — ah, the life!
Friday we’re having a special post about World Moms’ vaccination experiences. We’ll also be talking about two important vaccination programs in developing nations — the GAVI Alliance and the UN Foundation’s Shot@Life. It’s part of our effort to high light more social good on the blog since the Social Good Summit!
Also on Friday — fantastic news! Our World Moms Blog founder, Jennifer Burden, will be guest posting at Mamapedia about her Halloween costumes growing up and what’s in store for her children this year. You can also catch the post on the Mamasource Halloween page that day, too! (Way to go, Jen!)
On Saturday, check out the Saturday Sidebar with Eva Fannon, where the World Moms give their thoughts on an important topic, and chime in with your answers to the week’s question!
— World Moms Blog
Our World Moms Blog logo was designed by the creative Erica Joyner Designs in Virginia, USA.