Saturday Sidebar: What is your favorite autumn (or spring) memory as a kid?
This week’s Saturday Sidebar Question comes from Eva Fannon, the World Moms Blog Saturday Sidebar Editor. She’s been enjoying some lovely autumn weather in the Pacific Northwestern U.S. and asked our writers,
“What hemisphere do you live in and what is your favorite autumn or spring memory (respective to your hemisphere) as a kid?”
Check out what some of our World Moms had to say…
Susie Newday of Israel writes:
“I live in the northern hemisphere. I loved the fall foliage and the changing colors.”
Jenna Farelyn of North Carolina, USA writes:
“I live in the Northern hemisphere and my favorite childhood memory from autumn is trick or treating with my family on Halloween. We didn’t do anything special, but it was one of the few traditions we had around holidays.”
MultitaskingMumma of Ontario, Canada writes:
“I live in the Northern Hemisphere and my favourite childhood memory about fall was bundling up and going to cut wood with my dad. It meant breakfast out and quality time.” (more…)