by Eva Fannon (USA) | Oct 12, 2011 | Being Thankful, Childhood, Cooking, Eva Fannon, Family, Kids, Motherhood, Nutrition, Parenting, Working Mother

Wild blackberries in Seattle, WA
Now that the girls are asleep, I am sitting at the computer downloading pictures off my camera. I haven’t done this in a while, so there are a lot…and I have found some pictures that have inspired this post. The pictures put a smile on my face as I recalled memories of this summer, but summers passed as well.
This post is about blackberries (not the smartphone, the fruit!) Blackberries grow wild in the summer in so many places in Seattle…in your backyard, on a fence in an alley, along leafy vegetated edges on the Burke Gilman Trail, and even at our neighborhood playground…which brings me to my story. (more…)
Eva Fannon is a working mom who lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her hubby and two girls. She was born and raised on the east coast and followed her husband out west when he got a job offer that he couldn't refuse. Eva has always been a planner, so it took her a while to accept that no matter how much you plan and prepare, being a mom means a new and different state of "normal".
Despite the craziness on most weekday mornings (getting a family of four out the door in time for work and school is no easy task!), she wouldn't trade being a mother for anything in the world. She and her husband are working on introducing the girls to the things they love - travel, the great outdoors, and enjoying time with family and friends. Eva can be found on Twitter @evafannon.
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