For the last four years, I have taken T to see Santa Claus. For the last three years, I have failed to get an actual photograph of my child smiling while anywhere in proximity to the “jolly” man.

Last year, he babbled on and on about being so excited to see Santa. When it was his turn at the front of the line, he froze. He didn’t want to have anything to do with that weird man wanting him to sit on his lap.

I get it. Santa is a little weird.

I don’t remember ever believing in Santa. Maybe my mom will tell you otherwise, but as far back as I can remember, I have just known that it was all a story.

This year, I told T (who turned 5 this October) the truth. I told him that Santa was not an actual person who would be coming down our non-existent chimney to leave presents under the Christmas tree.

I told him that Santa was a character in a story, but that the spirit of Santa is something we should remember during the holiday season. I told him that this season is all about celebrating the people we love and helping out others who are in need. I told him that it’s not about the presents, but about the giving.

I am not a religious person. Sometimes this makes me feel a little strange about celebrating Christmas (note the “Christ”). But, really, December is a holiday all on it’s own. Winter Solstice, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Boxing Day, Festivus (what?), and then we wrap it all up by ringing in the new year. Even though part of me would love to be a little grinch, I can’t help but enjoy this time of year.

We celebrate the year that is ending, and the year that is beginning. We celebrate our family and our friends. We celebrate what we have, and we give to those who do not.

And while there are some traditions I hold on to (for example, we have a Christmas tree with ornaments that hold reminders of our family and our lives), Santa is one I choose to do without.

Regardless of your beliefs, how do you talk to your children about Santa Claus? 

This is an original post to World Moms Blog from our new writer in Nevada and single-mom of one, Unintentionally Brilliant. You can find more of her writing on her personal blog, Unintentionally Brilliant.

Photo credit to Bart Fields. This photo has a creative commons attribution license. 

Roxanne (USA)

Roxanne is a single mother to a 9-year-old superhero (who was born 7 weeks premature), living in the biggest little city and blogging all about her journey at Unintentionally Brilliant. She works as a Program Coordinator for the NevadaTeach program at the University of Nevada, Reno. Roxanne has a B.A. in English from Sierra Nevada College. She has about 5 novels in progress and dreams about completing one before her son goes to high school.

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