Where in the world do you live? And, are you from there?
In 2011, my two year-old daughter and I left my husband behind in Moscow (temporarily!) and moved to Beijing, China. Answering the “where are you from” question is a bit difficult… I was born in Johanessburg, South Africa and moved to Canada when I was really young. Since then, I have lived in Toronto, Vancouver, Indiana USA, and finally had settled down in Ottawa before moving to Moscow in 2010.
What language(s) do you speak?
English, French, Mandarin, Tibetan. Does toddler-speak count as a language?
When did you first become a mother?
Technically, I became a mother in January 2010 when my daughter was born. But actually, I feel like I first became a mother the day I saw that plus sign on the home pregnancy test.
Are you a stay-at-home mom or do you work?
I work full-time, and often feel like I work full-time as a mom too! But I do so wish I could be a stay-at-home mom…
Why do you blog/write?
So many reasons! My blog started out as a place where I could update family and friends back home on our adventures overseas. It evolved into a forum where I could share travel advice and tips with other parents and has also become a sort of sanctuary where I can (and often do) rant about mama-related matters. As a mother, I think it’s extremely important to have something that is all your own and that for me is my blog.
How would you say that you are different from other mothers?
Well, I guess the most obvious difference would be that I live in China with my daughter while my husband lives in another country. People often tell me I’m brave/crazy but I just respond that I’m just doing what I have to do.
Another thing that sets me apart is that, ever since we decided to have a baby, my husband and I vowed to continue to indulge our love of travel. As a result, we have traveled to numerous countries with our daughter, from Slovakia to Georgia to the Maldives and to Thailand. It’s not always easy, but it’s really not as hard as you’d think.
And I guess one other thing that might be a bit different is my hippie-granola parenting philosophy: I cloth diaper, practice extended breastfeeding, own too many baby carriers, keep plastic flashy toys to a minimum (my daughter actually enjoys playing with sticks and rocks!) and work hard to keep my daughter from eating sugar and too much processed food.
What do you view as the challenges of raising a child in today’s world?
By far the biggest challenge for me is the enormous expectation placed on women to be great mothers and wives, and at the same time to excel professionally. I often find myself having to choose between my job and my family, and really I am not entirely sure that I can (or even should be expected to) ‘have it all.’
Other worries that keep me up at night include food safety (do we really know what we’re eating?), the impact of technology on our children, and how to encourage social responsibility and compassion in my daughter
How did you find World Moms Blog?
I had heard of a mythical blog where women from all around the world shared their unique experiences but it was just by chance that the founder, Jen Burden, stopped by my blog and left a comment suggesting I become a World Moms Blog writer.
This is an original post to World Moms Blog by our new writer in China and mother of one, Taryn.
The photo used in this post is credited to the author.
Hi there Taryn,
I’m with you on a lot of what you’ve written about here – I’m not sure that women can have it all at the same time – perhaps we could be working in ‘series’ rather than trying to do it all in ‘parallel’. Lovely to meet you,
Welcome Taryn, I can’t wait to hear about all of your adventures!
Welcome to World Moms Blog, Taryn!! 🙂
So glad you found the “mythical blog”! lol
Jen 🙂
Great to learn a little more about you. Having tried the family/work/ have it all balance I know exactly how you feel. And you are right, our blogs are what keep us sane and let us have just one thing that is all our own.
Welcome Taryn! I’m in the midst of trying to do ‘everything’ and finding it exhilarating and liberating but overwhelming, too (even only in thought/planning!). I look forward to reading your upcoming posts.
Hi Taryn!
Sounds like you are leading a very interesting live of many cultures travels and adventures 😀 Can’t wait to read more from you.
Welcome, Taryn! Great interview, like Karyn, I am with you on a lot of what you said!!!
Welcome to WMB Taryn!
Hi there, Taryn. Loved what you said about not even expecting to “have it all”. Look forward to more of your parenting / travel stories!