Not long ago, I attended a parenting seminar featuring excellent keynote speakers and a number of child development specialists. The seminar must have impacted me more than I realized because this is the second time I find myself writing about sage wisdom imparted during it (the other time I brought it up was in this post).
A major topic of the keynote address centered on how US parents today are getting more involved with their children, sometimes to a detrimental degree.
Most US women of my generation, Gen X—as products of mothers that fought for equality and women’s rights back in the 1960’s—are more accomplished, both academically and professionally, than our fore-mothers. After obtaining college and often graduate school degrees (sometimes more than one), Gen X women go on to establish our financial independence in the workforce; and in many cases, then elect to leave the workforce in order to raise children.
This trend is called “Opting-Out” and it’s common in tony suburbs around the US. But it’s a trend with consequences. Women, who had achieved success professionally find themselves somewhat under-challenged domestically. Eager to apply their professional talents at home, many of these women turn child rearing into a second career. Though fathers are not as likely to Opt Out, some still do, leaving the mother as main bread winner. As a result, helicopter and over-bearing parenting has become ubiquitous; the outcome of which has yielded a population of coddled and unresilient kids.
I am not claiming this phenomenon endemic to the US but it’s certainly a growing concern. Perhaps this is why the message in the parenting seminar’s keynote address by Robert Evans resonated so much for me. He spoke about how today’s parents are so focused on their kids that they are willing to do everything for them: intervene at the slightest sign of trouble; help them with projects and homework the children should be responsible for; even criticize teachers and authority figures for treating their child unfairly. In essence, these parents are clearing life’s path of all obstacles and challenges that would help a child build character, resilience and stamina.
“Parents don’t need to prepare the path for their children…instead, they need to focus on preparing their children for The Path.”
– Bob Evans
Preparing our children for the path…what does that mean exactly? And where do we draw the line?
I would not label either my husband nor myself a helicopter parent—Drill Sargent, perhaps–but as a freelance writer with a flexible work schedule, I avail myself to my children and their school and activity schedules. I’m a room parent, active member of the Parent/Teacher Organization and volunteer for many roles at my children’s schools and extra-curricula. But I don’t think I over-do it.
At my daughter’s elementary school, there’s a rumour that the teachers have an acronym for the (mostly female) parents who should get out of the school and get a job. I don’t know what the acronym is and pray it’s never associated with my name but I can understand why it exists.
In parents’ defense, however, we can’t help feeling more protective and sometimes over-bearing about our kids. We want to be able to let go of their hands and let them find their own way but there are a lot more demons along the path now. Social media, for one, has rendered our lives more public than ever before. I often find myself more concerned about the fall-out of a misstep on Facebook than a misstep in real life. Take for example the recent milestone our daughter achieved, which I was initially so proud of but ultimately never posted online about:
Our house is a half-mile away from our elementary school. To get there, you walk along a lovely open path along a ridge, down the hill across the soccer fields and arrive at the school. You can see the school from the top of our street. My children and I have been walking to school along this path, which we dubbed the Faery Path, for four years now. Recently, we allowed our independent 1st- grader to walk to school on her own. There are other kids in our neighborhood who also walk to school but none of them without a parent. For this reason, I got nervous about it.
I wasn’t nervous for our daughter, she’s a very capable and spunky 7-year-old, I was nervous for what others would think about my decision to let her walk alone; how they would judge my parenting style.
Later that day, when I picked my daughter up from school, she effervesced about how exciting it was to walk to school on her own and how responsible it made her feel. With heavy-heart, I informed her that it was the only time she would get to walk the path on her own for a while.
It’s just not how today’s parents are doing things.
How do you help prepare your children for the Path? Do you feel the judgement of others has a negative outcome on your child rearing decisions?
This is an original post to World Moms Blog by Senior Editor and mother of two, Kyla P’an.
The image used in this post is credited to Nina Mathew’s Photography. It holds a Flickr Creative Commons attribution license.
Great post, Kyla – there are definitely some helicopter parents in New Zealand, too, but perhaps not quite as prevalent in rural and provincial areas.
I am not completely sure, but I do know of children who still walk/bike/scooter themselves to school and there is (still, perhaps) a strong culture of raising self-assured/self-sufficient children here.
I was overprotected and coddled to such an extent that I’ve only just STARTED to feel confident in my abilities and I’m 44 years old!! 🙁
Given the way I was raised, it was EXTREMELY difficult for me to let children do age-appropriate things on their own, but I KNEW it was the ONLY way for them to become confident, capable human beings! So yes, I’d say a prayer and only breathe again when I knew they’d safely reached their destination, but I DID allow them to walk to school / the shop etc.
My 20 year old son just came back from his first solo overseas trip and my 17 year old daughter pretty much either walks or catches the bus to most places. Both are WAY more self-confident than I was at their age.
That said, I’ve taught them (and myself) to ALWAYS trust our gut instincts and they know to call if they feel uneasy for any reason. It’s a very fine line we walk between being a responsible parent and smothering our children and each situation MUST be judged on a case by case basis.
Great post, Kyla. I agree, it’s difficult to know when to let go and when to be involved. I keep thinking that I wish I had more time to go to my older daughter’s kindergarten classroom. I have my younger daughter at home, and we do things together, and during her nap, my older daughter and I do things together. But, maybe she doesn’t need me in kindergarten all the time. That is her time to have a break from me and gain some independence.
I think I needed to read this!!
Jen 🙂
Ooh Kyla this post really warms my heart. I still remember vividly how much fun it was walking to school on my own with bunch of other kids when I was in Elementary School. I am guilty for being a helicopter parent most of the times maybe because I feel like I need to keep protecting my son all the time but I am learning to let that part of me go and be more relax.
Great post that I think hits many of us, regardless of the specifics of the “letting go” (and then wondering what the neighbors will think). If your daughter felt proud of her walking, don’t you think you could let her do it again (maybe watching from a discreet distance? : )
It seems like a great way to give her a sense of independence but in a pretty safe environment — is there a neighbor’s kid who could walk with her? You could be the trail-blazing parent who shows others that they can extend the tether rope (that we all have) just a litttttllllle bit further….
But of course, that’s easy for me to say & probably I’d react *exactly* the same way… : )
Great post Kyla! My oldest is a year younger than yours, so I’m starting to get asked about a sleep over, and walking to the bus stop by herself. I haven’t said “yes” yet. While I have no doubt she can responsibly do these things, I think it’s my and my husband’s fears holding us back from letting go.
Thanks for sharing!
Great post Kyla! This post really hits close to home. I give my children much more leeway than my mother would like, for instance I allow my six year old to help me chop up veggies for dinner. My mother was the first generation helicopter parent and has now become the helicopter grandparent (much to my chagrin). I agree that it is a fine line, but if we teach them how to not cut off their fingers and them give them the knife, amazingly they grow confident and don’t cut off their fingers! Sometimes it’s ok to be the first parent to let your child do something that they are ready for… After all, no one knows your child’s abilities and capabilities better than you! 🙂