Welcome to the Saturday Sidebar (formerly known as the Friday Question)! This weekend our discussion question comes from World Moms Blog founder Jennifer Burden. She asked our writers,
“If you had to pick one cause or charity for social good, which would you choose? What is closest to your heart?”
Check out what some of our World Moms had to say…
Salma of Ontario, Canada writes:
“Great question. I have supported many organizations over the years, but the one that is closest to my heart is The White Ribbon Campaign. Men working to end violence against women (VAW) is a huge deal to me. VAW is often considered a woman’s issue, BUT it is society’s problem, so I am all for supporting it.”
ThirdEyeMom of Minnesota, USA writes:
“There is so much need in the world, even in my own backyard. But for me, the most important thing is education. Without it, change is impossible. So I believe strongly in supporting education here in theUnited States and abroad. I’m currently working with both READ Global and HANDS IN NEPAL to help build libraries and schools in Nepal. I also volunteer often at my son’s school and am a big contributor to the PTA. I hope to do more as I gain more time.”
Dr. Lanham of Arizona, USA writes:
“My heart is for teenagers, which is why I have started my own teen nonprofit – Hodge Podge the Teen Cafe™. I realized as a teen, and once I had my own, that they need a safe place, a place that caters to all of their needs and Hodge Podge TC™ does. We will give them a place to hang out, to express their creativity, a place to talk and feel safe; we will show them how to deal with daily challenges like bullying, depression, family and life. Every day we are working on purchasing our first building to make this more of a reality. I know I’m here to help them and I will! Teens are only teenagers for 7 years and in those years it’s crucial we teach them the ways they should go!”
Kyla P’an of Massachusetts, USA writes:
“The Girl Effect!
Wow, here’s a chance for our group of globally-minded, World Moms to play a role in helping the developing world, one girl at a time.
I went to an all-girls boarding school and our head of school is a major advocate for empowering girls/women. I learned about The Girl Effect from her. If you want to be moved, feel empowered and be inspired, watch this: http://www.youtube.com/girleffect#p/a/u/1/WIvmE4_KMNw.”
Dee Harlow of Virginia, USA writes:
“Many people have asked me how they can help make the world a better place if they can’t volunteer abroad, or work with refugees and disaster relief like I have done. My response is always the same: you can do something in your own community for the people closest to you. Be kind to your neighbors, help the single mom or an elderly person in your community, give to the local food bank, contribute to a clothing drive. Thirdeyemom is right. There is so much need in all of our backyards.
But if you really want to donate to an organization, I would consider giving to water projects. From my experience, one of the greatest needs around the world is accessible, clean water. Some of the simplest water projects go a long way and have long-term benefits.”
Maman Aya of New York, USA writes:
“My sister user to work for an organization called Plan International. This is one of those organizations where you sponsor a child in an underdeveloped, impoverished community around the world. The monthly donation goes towards, food, clothing, education, and clean water for that child and their family. I have actually been sponsoring a girl inChina for years, who is now about to turn 18, graduate from school and enter the work force. It’s pretty amazing since it wasn’t too long ago that I was receiving crayon drawings of hers. 🙂 ”
Jennifer Burden of New Jersey, USA writes:
“Since high school I’ve been a fan of UNICEF after attending a children’s environmental summit at the UN in the early 1990s. The work that the GAVI Alliance and the UN Foundation (Shot@Life) are doing today with vaccinations in developing countries is helping to keep so may children under the age of 5 years old alive.
As a kid I wanted to help other kids around the world have a better chance at life. As a mother, that desire has grown even stronger.”
Kirsten Doyle of Ontario, Canada writes:
“My charity of choice is the Geneva Centre for Autism. They do such amazing things for people like my son – without them he wouldn’t have made the phenomenal progress he’s made. Every year I run a half-marathon to raise funds for the Geneva Centre. This year’s race is coming up on October 16th! (The link to my fundraising page is here: http://my.e2rm.com/personalPage.aspx?registrationID=1157023&langPref=en-CA)”
Amy Hillis of Ohio, USA writes:
“There are so many worthy causes, it is really hard to narrow it down to one – even when I’m thinking about what I can do to give back to the world. Locally I am involved in several charity organizations – but the big one for me that I actually help raise money for would be Cincinnati Children’s Medical Hospital. As many of you know, I lost my youngest son in January and 2 of my older boys have had liver transplants – all at this hospital. It’s been a second home for us for much of the past 6 years. Every year they sponsor a walk to raise money and the walkers get to choose where in the hospital the money goes – I always designate my fundraising efforts to the Liver Care Center – they help families facing liver transplants, help raise awareness about organ donation and help the families that are in-patient with meals, activities and even clothes and gas vouchers if they are far from home. This year’s walk is Saturday, October 15. Here’s the link to my fundraising page: http://giving.cincinnatichildrens.org/netcommunity/transplantedthoughts.
A big thanks to everyone who works for the needs of others. I think working together we can do amazing things.”
World Moms Blog is committed to helping mothers and children around the world. Want to make a difference right now?
Join the Million Moms Challenge!
It’s as easy as just signing up here: http://abcnews.go.com/millionmomschallenge/million-moms-challenge/story?id=14500272?.
The Million Moms Challenge is sponsored by ABC News and the United Nations Foundation, and it’s goal is to raise awareness on maternal and children’s health around the globe. After the first 100,000 people sign up, Johnson & Johnson will donate $100,000 to the cause.
And do you have a question you would like to pose to our WMB writers? If so, email us at wmbsidebareditor@gmail.com to see what they have to say.
Don’t forget to visit us tomorrow to check out the travel itinerary for the coming week!
– World Moms Blog
Photo credit to robin_24 http://www.flickr.com/photos/robin24/5554306438/. This photo has a creative commons attribute license.
These are all great and wonderful organizations. I am also a fan and contributor to UNICEF and also to Amnesty International. At home I help walk an elderly neighbor with her walker outside on nice days and find the other items to help with from our own backyard like what Dee Harlow of Virginia says. You don’t have to donate a lot of money or join the peacecorps to be helpful.
So true clarbojahn! Thanks for stopping by and sharing 🙂
All wonderful organizations. I would choose March of Dimes. My son was a preemie, and this is a cause that is just so close to my heart.
I support The Alliance for Childhood the most. It would like to see children protected from the pressures of marketing and is very anti the push for younger and younger children to become sophisticated.