Where in the world do you live? And, are you from there?
I live with my husband and three kids in Minneapolis, MN, USA. The headwaters of the Mississippi River are in Minnesota, but I’m from the delta – Baton Rouge, LA. Growing up in south Louisiana was great, but it did not adequately prepare me for being the hockey mom that I am today. (My two sons play and I am still trying to learn the rules!) I have also lived in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Norway and Switzerland.
What language(s) do you speak?
My native language is English, but I also speak Norwegian. I also studied French and Russian.
When did you first become a mother?
October 9, 1999. Nine days past the due date, I might add.
Are you a stay-at-home mom or do you work?
Since my oldest son was born, I have worked everything from 10 to 100% time at a fabulous non-profit called The Advocates for Human Rights. Currently, I am working 90% time as the Deputy Director. It’s a good balance for me. I took extended parenting leaves with each of my kids and, I have to say, being a stay-at-home mom is the hardest work I have ever done. As my husband says, we “go to work to rest.”
Why do you blog/write?
I started blogging as a New Years Resolution in January 2011. I realized that I had many stories from my experiences in fifteen years of human rights work, but most of them had never been shared. Some of these stories are about the worst aspects of human nature, but many illustrate the very best in humanity – the capacity to overcome adversity, to hope, to forgive. As a parent, I am challenged to distill these experiences into something that my children can understand and profit from. My goal in writing is to think more intentionally about what I’ve learned from my human rights work so that I may one day pass these lessons along to my kids. Hopefully, these reflections will be interesting or inspiring to others as well.
How would you say that you are different from other mothers?
Aside from that human rights lawyer bit? Here’s one way I’m different: most mothers send their kids away to camp but I actually go along with mine. My summer job in college was as a counselor at Skogfjorden, the Concordia Language Villages’ Norwegian village. For the past two summers, I have used vacation time to go back on the Skogfjorden staff for the two-week session when my sons are there. I would say that not every mother would choose to spend her vacation this way but I’m very thankful for the opportunity to share the experience with them. Next summer, my daughter will be 7 and will be old enough to go to camp with us, too.
What do you view as the challenges of raising a child in today’s world?
We are trying to raise our kids without too much of the material stuff. But sometimes it’s hard for them to understand why they are the only kids they know that don’t have cable TV or Xbox 360s or iPod Touches. Another challenge we are feeling our way through as they are getting older (our oldest is in middle school) is figuring out what movies and video games are appropriate. I’ve found that the ratings system doesn’t always work for us. I also worry about the messages my 6-year-old daughter is already picking up from the media and other kids about body image, self-esteem, gender roles.
How did you find World Moms Blog?
A friend put me in touch with Thirdeyemom, another World Moms Blog writer who lives in Minneapolis. She’s become my blogging guru. I’m excited to be working with her and others in the World Moms community on the new human rights feature.
This is an original, first-time post from our new US writer Jennifer Prestholdt. Keep an eye out for Jennifer’s upcoming regular Human Rights column right here on World Moms Blog.
The photograph used in this post is attributed to the author.
Excellent post Jennifer! I am so excited to have you on board and hear all about your work in human rights. It is something that is invaluable right now and I’m sure all our readers will agree.
Thanks! I’m excited to be part of World Moms Blog! What a great community.
I can’t wait to read more from you. I love the part about the Norwegian camp, too!
You are a great addition to World Moms Blog!
Jen 🙂
Welcome to WMB, Jennifer, so excited to have you on board and can’t wait to read your posts!
Welcome Jennifer! I can’t wait to read all about your work in human rights. I also love that you go to camp with your kids (my cousin did the same thing last year – and had a great time).
Great to meet you!
Welcome, Jennifer. Very excited to have you on board 🙂
Velkommen 🙂
I’ll be excited to read more about the Human Rights stories/issues.
Thanks again, everyone! So very nice to meet you all.
Love your comments about media and electronics! Great to ‘meet’ you.